이형의 용왕 뤼미에르/대사


I am Lumera, a dragon resurrected by the power of Lord Sombron. I am here to see my beloved child.私はルミエル…ソンブル様のお力により蘇りし竜。愛おしい、我が子に会うために…

I am done waiting. This time, I will be with my child, and no one will dare to get in the way.ああ、楽しみだわ…今度こそ誰にも邪魔されずに、親子としての時間を……
I was entirely alone after losing my kin. That child brought an end to my loneliness. That is all I remember.私は同胞を喪い、独りきりだった。孤独をあの子が癒してくれた。それ以外のことは、思い出せないわ…
Do you know what it is like to wait for someone? To wait forever without knowing if you will get to see them?あなた、誰かを待ったことはある?会える約束のない相手を、ずっと、ずうっと、待ち続けたことはある…?
A thousand years of waiting to only get mere hours together... I refuse to accept that outcome.千年間も待ったのに、会えたのはたったの一夜だけ…そんなの、受け入れられないわ。
When I sensed my child, I flew here as fast as my wings would carry me. Here, we can stay together forever.あの子の気配がして、早く会いたくて、とんできたの。ここなら、永遠に一緒にいられるかしら。

친구 방문

It matters not who I am here to serve. Please, tell me if my child, my Alear, is in this place too?誰の使いかなんて、どうでもいいじゃない。それよりも…あの子は…リュールは、此処にいるの…?

레벨 업

Mother worked so very hard for you... Here... Come see what I've done.母さんは頑張ったわよ。ほら…見て頂戴……
Do you think my child would be impressed to see this?あの子が見たら、なんと言ってくれるかしら…
How frustrating... I must have power to protect my child.困ったわね…力がないと、あの子を守れないわ…


Has something changed? It feels as if...perhaps, but I cannot quite tell.まあ、何か変わったの…?私にはよくわからないわ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Alear? No, I am mistaken. You are the summoner, yes?
Does this endless fighting not seem futile? Why not avoid it and live only for the one most important to you?
There was a time when I fought too. For peace in Elyos. Hmm... When is this memory from, I wonder.
It's not important now. My child is all that matters to me. I would rather die again if I cannot be with my Alear.
If that happens, summon me again and again until we're finally together. What do you say? Pinky promise?





오의 발동

You dare oppose me?私に歯向かう?
For Lord Sombron.ソンブル様のため
I am the Divine Dragon Queen!神竜王の力よ


I need more time...時は…過ぎたわ…


Where is my child? Are you trying to keep us apart?ねえ、あの子はどこ? あなたが隠したの?
Don't tell me you're frightened. I have a friendly face, do I not?私が怖くないのかしら。優しそうに見えるのなら、それでいいわ。
I would ask you not to come between me and my family. I wish only to see my child.邪魔をしないで。私はただ、あの子に会いたい。親子としての時間を過ごしたいだけなの。
Heroes, villains, war, peace... None of it matters to me. Let me leave it behind.どうだっていいわ…英雄も、敵も、平和も。もう行っていいかしら。
Obsession? I am a mother who loves her child. How is that obsession?!執着? 可笑しなことを。我が子を心から愛することは、親として当然でしょう。
I have waited a thousand years for you, Alear. Do not make me wait any longer...リュール…ここでなら、やっと一緒にいられるわ。ずうっと待ったのだもの、千年間も…
Were it not for your call, summoner, I would still be all alone in that temple. I am...grateful.召喚師。あなたには、少なからず感謝をしているわ。ここに喚ばれることがなければ、私は今でも…あのお城で独りだった。

아군 턴 터치

You know I hate waiting.待つのは嫌

캐릭터 페이지로