아득한 하늘의 신룡 뤼미에르/대사


I am Lumera, a Divine Dragon who wishes for the continent of Elyos to know peace. For you, I fight again.私はルミエル。エレオス大陸の平穏を祈る神竜。あなたのために、再び戦いましょう。

This world will be all right in the end. With so many Emblems—er, Heroes, rather, it is all but assured.きっと、この世界は大丈夫よ。ここには沢山の紋章士が…いいえ、あなたの英雄たちがいるのだもの。
I served as ruler of Elyos, but am simply a Divine Dragon now. My child has inherited my throne and power.私はエレオスを統べる神竜王だった。けれど今は、ただの神竜のひとり。王位も力も、我が子が継いでくれたわ。
How is it you summon Heroes? To what ends do you wield such great power?英雄の召喚はどんな風に行うの?あなたは何を願いながら、その強大な力を行使するのかしら。
There is something familiar about the bustling atmosphere of this place. I can feel it call to me... Is it fate?賑やかな場所、懐かしい感覚だわ。私の運命は完結してしまったけれど、ここには未来が、可能性があるのね。
I have been wondering what sort of Emblem you might be if you were to appear in Elyos.考えていたの。もしもあなたがエレオス大陸に顕現されたら、どんな紋章士となるのかしらね。

친구 방문

I am Divine Dragon Lumera, here to visit your world with a gift from [Friend]'s world.[フレンド]の使い、神竜ルミエルよ。こちらの世界にも素敵な空が広がっているわね。

레벨 업

How joyous. It feels as if I have been blessed by this world.嬉しいわ。この地に祝福されているよう。
As long as my service gives you strength, I will be there to provide.この祈りがあなたの力になるのなら私は頑張れるわ。
Not all wishes can be granted.力を願っているけれど、叶わないことだってあるわ。


You have my gratitude, Summoner. Your support drives me forward.召喚師様のご加護を感じるわ。お礼を申し上げるわね。

5성 40레벨 달성

You always seem calm, but there must surely be moments where that is not the case. In battle perhaps?
Were you to fall, would you want to be rescued? Or would you prefer others fall with you?
Hehe. Forgive me. That was a cruel question to ask... I already know what your answer is.
I promise to support you here in your world, just as the Emblems support my child in our world...
Allow me to light your way, and have faith that we will share this connection forever.





오의 발동

For the good of all!皆の為に
The Emblems are with me!紋章よ、輝いて
I've been waiting...待っていたわ
Stand down!手出しはさせない


I accept this...受け入れ…ましょう…


My child has a summoning power not unlike yours.あなたの力はまるで、あの子のよう。私をこうして、ここに顕現したのだもの。
*chuckle* If you wanted to chat, all you had to do was ask.まあ、うふふ。構ってほしいの? 仕方がないわね、何かお喋りしましょうか。
I am certain Askr and Elyos are connected. That means my child is watching over you.アスク王国の空は、きっとエレオスとも繋がっている。みんな、あの子が守ってくれるわ。
Even if I am no longer the Divine Dragon Monarch, I will always pray for the happiness of those I care about.今代の神竜王は、もう私ではないけれど…いつも祈り続けているの。皆の幸せを。
I wonder how the Emblems are faring... Your Heroes remind me so much of them.紋章士たちは元気かしら。あなたの英雄たちを見ていると、つい考えてしまうの。
This time, I wish to fight alongside my allies until the very end.私の役目は何かしら…今度こそ、最後まで、誰かと共に戦う事ね。
Not all wishes can come true. But if you allow your dreams to shine on, they will light the path to a brighter tomorrow.覚えていて。たとえ全ての望みが叶わなくとも…あなたの見る夢は輝いて、あの空の向こうから…光る明日を連れて来ることを。

아군 턴 터치

It's a promise.約束よ
Do not waver.迷わないで
Let us go.行きましょう

캐릭터 페이지로