불꽃을 휘감은 바람 린/대사
I'm Lyn. I've been training hard for this festival of flames. I'm here to do the Lorca proud. | 私はリン。ロルカ族を代表して炎の祭りに参加させてもらうわ。鍛えてるから力には自信あるわよ! |
Whatever I may lack in brute strength, I can make up for with agility. Don't count me out of any match! | よし、やれる!速さを活かして戦えば勝ち抜くことができそうだわ! |
We're very familiar with sumo out on the plains. Sometimes we even have a match to settle disputes. | 草原の民も相撲には馴染みがあるのよ。相撲で序列を決める部族もいたわ。ある意味、わかりやすい決め方よね。 |
So, Rinkah is representing the Flame Tribe? I'll have to do my best for the Lorca, then. Won't be easy. | 炎の部族の代表はリンカね。不思議ね…なんだか親しみを感じるかも? |
I thought Florina might be interested in sumo, after how well she took to being a ninja. I was wrong. | フロリーナも祭りに誘ったんだけどこの装束を見た瞬間に逃げちゃったわ。忍者の祭りは参加してくれたのに… |
The Flame Tribe can teach us a lot about bravery and strength. They always stand their ground. | どんな強敵を前にしても退かない闘志!炎の部族からは見習うべきことが多いわね。 |
친구 방문
I'm Lyn. I've just come from the festival of flames that's happening at [Friend]'s castle. | 私はリン。この格好は祭りの装束なの。[フレンド]の城で炎の祭りをやっているのよ。 |
레벨 업
Give it your all, right until the end. That's the key to victory. | 最後まであきらめない熱い心。それが勝利に繋がるの。 |
Looks like I've hit my stride. Maybe sumo is for me after all! | 調子が出てきたみたい。相撲、なかなか楽しいかも! |
What a terrible match... | 力負けしているの…!? |
There's a scorching wind blazing at my back. I feel the heat coursing through me. It's invigorating! | 熱い風が吹いている…!身体の芯から力がみなぎるわ! |
5성 40레벨 달성
Phew... They weren't kidding when they called it the festival of flames. Every muscle in my body's on fire. I have to thank you for the invitation, though. I've learned a lot by being here, [Summoner]. Time and again I've seen that raw strength isn't enough to win. If it were, I'd never have stood a chance. But I can hold my own with Hector and Eliwood because I've got agility and technique. Skill on its own isn't enough either, though. If you really want to win, you need heart most of all. Thanks to you, I've got plenty of that. So next time you're hosting a festival of flames, let me know. I'll be there. | ふぅ…祭りとはいえ、とても激しい勝負だったわ。まだ、身体の火照りが収まらない。 私を誘ってくれてありがとう[召喚師]。今回の祭り、学べることが多かったわ。 力だけの単純な勝負だったら私はエリウッドやヘクトルに遅れをとるかもしれない。 だけど、速さや技で支えることで力は何倍にも跳ね上がる。いかに力を使うかという工夫ね。 それに、最後まであきらめない炎のような闘志…勝負を決めるのは心の強さだと実感できたわ。 また、祭りが開催されるときは私も呼んでね。この装束でいつでも駆けつけるから! |
- | とりゃっ! |
- | よいしょーっ! |
- | ううっ… |
- | 押し負ける…! |
오의 발동
I'll demonstrate my technique. | 華麗な技で… |
Do not underestimate me. | なめないでよね! |
You'll see my strength! | 力を見せるわ |
The real fight starts now! | 真剣勝負よ! |
It can't be... | くやしい…! |
- | うふっ |
This garb may be suited to this manner of combat, but it's no match for a cold breeze. | この衣装、動きやすくていいんだけど…肌が冷えちゃいそう。 |
The match hasn't started yet! Pushing me now would be unsportsmanlike. | きゃっ…! 試合はまだでしょ? 押すなんて反則! |
We of the Lorca tribe held competitions similar to sumo. The goal was to determine the strongest among us. | ロルカ族でも、相撲みたいな力比べをみんなやっていたのよ。 |
Just because it's a festival, there's no need to be formal. We can cut loose. | こういう祭りなら礼儀作法を気にしなくてすむわね。 |
I must embody the Flame Tribe's blazing will to fight! | 炎の部族の熱い闘志、私も見習わなくっちゃ! |
It's too bad Eliwood and Hector aren't participating. I'm sure they would have a great time, too. | エリウッドとヘクトルも参加すればいいのに。きっと盛り上がるわよ。 |
I'll spar with you, but don't underestimate me. I get plenty of training in. | 鍛えてるから、力だって多少はあるのよ。試してみる? |
아군 턴 터치
Good move. | いい手だわ |
Where shall I strike? | どう攻める? |
Toward victory. | 勝ちにいくわ |