한여름의 공녀 린/대사


Hi, I'm Lyn. I knew we were headed to the tropics, but no one mentioned we were leaving our armor behind!私はリン。南国の旅って聞いてたけど…こ、こんな格好になるなんて聞いてないわよ!

The breeze off the sea is nice. It's nothing like the wind on the plains... but it is good in its own way.いい風が吹いてるわ。草原の風と違って潮風も気持ちがいいものね。
I wonder what Eliwood and Hector would think of me wearing this... It is quite unusual—for me, I mean.こんな姿、エリウッドやヘクトルには恥ずかしくって見せられない…みんな、よく平気でいられるわね。
Since I've come all this way, I want to see how far out I can swim... Oh! Want to make it a competition?せっかく海に来たんだし…どこまで泳げるか試してみたいわ。ね、競争してみない?
I like the summer sun. Plants need its light to grow, and the clear skies make it ideal for outdoor training.夏の日射しは好きよ。草花の成長にも必要だし鍛錬するのにもいい季節ね。
Are there any swimsuits that offer any more protection? I find this outfit lacking as far as armor goes.ね、ねぇ、もう少し布地の多い水着はないのかしら。胸のところが頼りなくて…

친구 방문

I brought you a tropical souvenir from [Friend]. Enjoy![フレンド]から南国の土産を預かってきたわ。そ、そんなにジロジロ見ないで!

레벨 업

Training in the summer sun really does do wonders!夏の日射しよりも熱く!
Have I...grown accustomed to this outfit already?この格好にも慣れてきたってことかしら。
I think we both know what's holding me back... It rhymes with...slim flute.…不調の原因はわかってるの!言わないで!


Thank you. This will help me fight through the stifling summer heat.助かるわ。暑い日の戦いも乗り切れそう。

5성 40레벨 달성

The ocean seems to stretch out forever... It reminds me of the plains of Sacae...
I bathed in a lake before, back home, but I've never swum quite so much as we have here...
A-at first I was worried I would be ill-prepared for combat, wearing something like this...
But there's something about this place... The sun and the sea have relaxed my nerves, perhaps...
Better start training more, so I don't lose my edge. Oh! Let's race to that rock out there! Ready? Let's go!





오의 발동

The heat won't beat me!暑さに負けない!
Catch this summer fever!夏の熱気よ!
Blink and you'll miss it!どこ見てるの!?
Swim if you can!恥ずかしくなんか…!


The summer breeze...ああ…水着が…


Isn't the ocean just beautiful? The way it stretches as far as the eye can see... It reminds me of the plains.海は綺麗ね。どこまでも続く、あの草原みたい…
For the last time... Sneaking up on me could be...risky.きゃあっ!? ちょ、ちょっとどこを触る気!?
Well, it's easier to fight in this than it was in that wedding dress...こ、この格好、花嫁の時より恥ずかしすぎるんだけど…
Keep your compliments to yourself. I'm only here to fight...and to swim.え、似合ってる…? …い、いやらしい意味じゃなくて?
This is nothing like the garb of my people. Learning another culture's ways often means dressing the part.海で泳ぐ時は、みんなこの格好になるの? ほ、本当…?
I wonder how my grandfather would take to swimming in the ocean...おじい様には見せられないわ、きっと卒倒してしまうから…
Let me stay in your shadow. How does one protect against the sun dressed like this?ね、ねえ…あまり人に見られなくないから…あなたの傍に隠れて良い?

아군 턴 터치

Let's swim.泳ぎましょう
Should be relaxing...落ち着かないわ…
I'm diving in!飛び込むわ

캐릭터 페이지로