후리소데에 들뜬 고양이 소녀 리레/대사


Happy New Year! Getting to meet me, the ever-so-lovely Lyre, means your year's off to a pretty good start!明けましてぇーおめでとうございまーすっ!新しい年の幕開けを飾るのはもちろん!華奢で可憐なリィレちゃんだよねーっ!

I wonder if anyone will appear in my first dream of the year...
Probably Lethe, right? Oh, but what if it's Captain Ranulf!
Getting to wear such a pretty outfit is like a dream come true. Now Lethe and I can be kimono twins!こんな素敵な着物、うれしいなっ!レテとお揃いだし~♪
Urk... Rice cake...stuck...in throat!えふっ、えふっ……!モチが!ノドに!
I missed out on seeing the first sunrise of the year, so I'm waiting for the second. Want to join me?初日の出を見逃しちゃったから、ここで明日の日の出を見るんだぁー一緒に待つ?
So, this is a long-sleeved kimono, huh? I gotta to say, I love it! I wonder if Captain Ranulf does too...この着物、振袖っていうんだっけ?かわいくて好き!ライ隊長にも見てほしいなぁー

친구 방문

Hey there! New Year's greetings from [Friend]'s castle!はいはい![フレンド]城からのお年賀でーすっ!

레벨 업

New year, new me! But who's gonna judge how much I've improved? Oh, I know! Yoo-hoo, Captain Ranulf!今年のわたしはひと爪違うんだからねっ!で、ライ隊長はどこですかーっ?隊長ぉー!
This year is going to be great!今年もよろしくぅ!
Urk... I think I had a bit too much to eat at the feast the other night. I think I'm just gonna lie down for a bit...ちょ、ちょっと待って…ゴチソウ食べ過ぎて……お腹くるしい…


Thanks a bunch!ありがとぉーっ!

5성 40레벨 달성

This has all been so amazing, [Summoner]!
I absolutely, positively, totally, and completely, LOVE IT!
The New Year is always fun, but celebrating it like this? I don't think I've seen a single frown all day!
I think we all need something like this sometimes. Having to fight all the time can get pretty exhausting.
You know what I mean, right? After all, getting along is way better than fighting. Everyone knows that!
And now that the greetings are all out of the way...it's time for the gifts!
So go on, cough 'em up!
[召喚師]もそう思うでしょう! そうでしょ!わたしもそう思う!





오의 발동

Here's to a great year!今年もよろしく!
Kimonos are so cute!着物ってかわい~!
I want my New Year's gifts!お年玉ちょーだい!


Save me, Captain Ranulf!助けて~ライ隊長~~


Happy New Year! Let's celebrate!明けましておめでとー! 一緒にお祝いしよっ。
Hey, what was that for?!うわっ!? なになに、もー!
I wanted to get up early and watch the first sunrise of the year, but, uh, I kinda slept through it.早起きして日の出を見ようって思ってたけど、無理だった~
I've got my very own kimono! Not so special anymore, are you, Lethe? *laugh*着物、レテとおんなじ! えへへ…
So what if I eat all this? I'm sure Kyza packs away just as much—if not more!食べ過ぎたら、キサみたいにおっきくなっちゃう!? やだー!
I bet Captain Ranulf's gonna give me a ton of New Year's money! Aaaaaany second now...ライ隊長、もちろんわたしにお年玉くれますよねー?
Spending the New Year with you is the most fun ever!あなたと一緒のお正月、さいこーに楽しいよ!

아군 턴 터치

Whaaat? Me?なにー?
Oooh, is it my turn?いくね~

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