연하의 우등생 리시테아/대사


Lysithea von Ordelia, present! Is this...this month's assignment? And where is the professor?リシテア=フォン=コーデリアです。今節の課題はこの世界が舞台ですか?先生はどこにいるのかしら…。

This world possesses technology the likes of which are still unknown to Fódlan... An opportunity for study!こっちの世界には、フォドラにはない技術や知識がたくさんあるみたい。勉強のし甲斐がありそうね。
My house, Ordelia, is the most impoverished among the leading houses of the alliance.
I have taken it upon myself to lift us out of such a sorry state.
Are you…on patrol? Why not delegate such trifling matters? It would afford you more time to strategize...あんた自ら巡回ですか。そういう雑務は誰かに任せて、戦術の研究でもしたらどうです。
If you have the time, why not join me for a study session? There must be so much I could learn from you!いつか時間があるときに、勉強に付き合ってもらえますか。教えてほしいことがたくさんあるので。
Mmph?! ...Huh? Me? Sneaking treats? How completely absurd! What do you take me for, a CHILD?…んぐっ!? 食べてませんよ?隠れてこっそりお菓子なんて…。わたし、子供じゃないんですから!

친구 방문

I am here to say hello, as requested by [Friend].あんたが[召喚師]?[フレンド]に言われて、挨拶に来ました。

레벨 업

A natural outcome, considering my efforts.当然の結果ですね。わたし、努力してますから。
...I can do better than that. And I can prove it.どってことありません。わたし、もっと強くなるので。
Th-there must be some mistake!むむー。こんなはずじゃなかったのに!


Thank you for thinking of me. I will be sure to put this to good use.気に掛けてくれて感謝します。この力、有効に使わせてもらいますね。

5성 40레벨 달성

The time I've spent with you on the battlefield has had an immeasurable effect on my skill development.
Academic lectures can only provide so much. There is no substitute for the focused pressure of real battle.
So I suppose I should thank you for calling me here to this world, then, [Summoner].
I hope to use every mote of strength I gain here on the battlefield back in Fódlan, so please...
Allow me to stay here with you a while longer, as your faithful comrade and student.




I won't lose... !負けない……!

오의 발동

I do not have time to waste!急いでるの……!
You will regret this!死んで後悔なさい
You are in my way!どいてください……!
Stay far away from me!触らないで!


How vexing...う……悔しい……


Please, stop slacking off and get to work.怠けていないでちゃんと働いてください。
Huh?! Oh! I, um, was NOT indulging in sweets. Really!お化けが怖いかって? 子供じゃないんですから。
...Am I afraid of ghosts? Please! I am no child.むぐっ!? ゴホゴホッ…は? お菓子なんて食べてませんけど。
Apologies, but I'm extremely busy, you see...悪いのですが後にしてください。わたし、すっごく忙しいので。
I must grow stronger quickly...for the sake of my family.早く力をつけて、両親に楽をさせてあげたいんです、わたし。
*sigh* If only I had something sweet to eat...はあ…疲れた。何か甘いもの食べたいなあ…。
You may count on me. I am quite capable, after all.大丈夫です、任せておいてください。わたし、優秀ですから。

아군 턴 터치

I am in.はい
What should I do?どうします?
Let us begin.行きましょうか

캐릭터 페이지로