달콤한 한때 리시테아/대사


Lysithea von Ordelia, at your service. Your snacks are my responsibility!リシテア=フォン=コーデリアです。お茶会の給仕を任されました。お茶菓子に関しては全力を出します。

I quite like serving tea and cake. All the little steps involved appeal to my meticulous nature.給仕の仕事くらい、余裕です。手順も万全、心構えも完璧です。努力してますから。
This reminds me of tea parties I used to have with my professor. I recall those occasions fondly...今でも思い出します。先生と過ごしたお茶会の時間は…わたしにとっても大切な宝物です。
I'm happy to play the role of server. What could possibly go wrong? It's not like there'll be ghosts or anything.任されたからには、ちゃんと給仕を勤めますよ。お昼なら…お化けも出ないと思いますし。
How much sugar do you want in your tea? You can be honest—I won't judge, [Summoner].[召喚師]は紅茶に角砂糖、何個いれますか?見栄を張らずに素直に教えてください。
Mmm...yes, that's very sweet. What? Of course I'm not stealing. I was only testing the cakes! For quality!もぐもぐ…適度な甘さですね。これはつまみ食いではありませんよ。品質管理のための試食です。

친구 방문

Hi there. I've brought you some tea leaves—want to take a look? They're from [Friend].[召喚師]ですね?[フレンド]から茶葉のお届けです。ご確認を。

레벨 업

This tea party will go off without a hitch, thanks to my efforts. You'll see.お茶会の準備は完璧です。それだけの努力は重ねていますので。
Out of the way, please. I have snacks to prepare for the tea party.そこをどいてくれませんか。お茶菓子の準備があるので。
Ugh... To work so hard, and not see the effort bear fruit...努力が報われないのは…辛いものですね。


Thank you very much. Here, I got you a little treat to enjoy with your tea.よいお茶菓子ですね…もっと頂いてもいいのですよ?

5성 40레벨 달성

I have to admit, I didn't see the point of me working a job like this at first. It took time away from my studies.
The more I do it, though, the more I realize that I'm actually learning a lot. I'd say it's been worthwhile!
Serving people is hard work. For one thing, it requires you to understand them really well.
You have to anticipate their needs by picking out and preparing teas and snacks you think they'll like.
That means you have to be studious, observant, and determined to give everyone the best experience.
Speaking of—I've put together a little selection for you. So, which of these teas do you like best?





오의 발동

Time for tea!お茶会ですよ
Take a seat!席について!
I'm pouring!お注ぎします
Piece of cake?お菓子はいかが?


But the cake...まだ…お菓子を…


J-just because I'm serving doesn't mean I can't partake!きゅ、給仕もお茶菓子は食べられますよね?
*gulp* I was only taking a sample! For analysis!むぐっ…!? これは味見です、味見。
Knowing how to serve tea is a sign of maturity, I'll have you know.給仕くらい卒なくこなせますよ。子供じゃないんですから。
So these cakes go here, and these biscuits go there... That means we'll have some left over.このお菓子はあっちの席、これはそっち…。よし、まだあるまだある…
I don't put any sugar in my tea. That's right—none at all.お茶にお砂糖入れない人って多いんですね。大人っぽい…
Sipping tea, making small talk... It's kind of nice, actually.お茶を飲みながら他愛のないことを語らって笑って…平和ですね。
Here. I saved some of the best sweets for you.このお菓子が一番おいしかったので…はい、どうぞ。

아군 턴 터치

Your order?お呼びですか?
Where do I sit?どの席へ?
Right away.はい、ただいま

캐릭터 페이지로