크게 떠드는 봄 메이/대사
I'm Mae! I hear you're having a spring festival. I'll do my very best to make it lively and fun. Let's hop to it, 'K? | 私はメイ! 春のお祭りをするんでしょ?頑張って盛り上げるから一緒にいーっぱい楽しもうね! |
While I'm here, I might as well use magic to bring this spring festival to life instead of using it to hurt people. | どうせなら人を傷つける魔道じゃなくて春の祭りを盛り上げる素敵な魔道を使えるといいな! |
Novis is so pretty in springtime! The flowers all bloom at the same time, and the ocean shines brilliantly. | ノーヴァ島の春も好きだったなー。一斉に花が咲いて海もキラキラ輝き出すの! |
Ooh, spring is so exciting! It makes me feel all...hippety-hoppy. | 春ってなんだかワクワクするよね。兎みたいにピョーンって走り出したくなる感じ! |
Even though spring comes every year, it's never the same. Each time, it feels fresh and brings a new cheer! | 春は毎年来るけど、同じ春はないんだよ。毎年新鮮な気持ちで心がウキウキしちゃうの! |
Such a cute outfit! I wonder what Celica and Boey would say about it. | この装束、とっても可愛いよね!セリカさまやボーイの感想も聞いてみたいな! |
친구 방문
Hello there! I have a spring delivery for you from [Friend]. | こんにちはー![フレンド]から春の届け物を預かってきたよ! |
레벨 업
It's not every day you have a spring festival. Let's hop around and enjoy it together! | せっかくのお祭りなんだから一緒にぴょんぴょん飛び跳ねよう! |
Festivals are no time for sadness. They're a time to laugh in the warm sunlight... Come on! | お祭りに暗い顔は似合わないよ!ポカポカの陽気と一緒に笑っちゃお! |
Oh, uh...did I get too carried away? I might hear from Celica about this... | 調子に乗り過ぎちゃったかな〜。セリカさまにしかられちゃうかも…。 |
For me, really?! Oh, yay! See, good things are bound to happen in the spring! | これを私に!? やったー!やっぱり春っていいことあるね! |
5성 40레벨 달성
Ahh... This is so much fun! I hope you're enjoying the spring festival too, [Summoner]. No more cold, wintry days. Flowers are blooming, everyone is smiling... It's the best, don't you think? I understand now why you want to protect the people of Askr, keep them smiling all day, every day. And that's why I'm here—to lend you my strength so everyone is free to keep enjoying festivals like this. And we want to keep having these festivals every year, of course. So, while I'm here... We should enjoy the festival as long as it lasts. Come on! Hippety-hop! Spring is here! | [召喚師]!春の祭り、楽しんでる!?私はすっごく楽しんでるよ! 冬が終わって、花が咲いてみんなも笑顔になって…やっぱり春って最高だよね! [召喚師]が守りたいのは、みんなが見せるこの笑顔なんでしょ? だから私、これからもみんなが心の底から笑えるように頑張って力を貸すよ。 だって来年もそのまた来年も楽しい春の祭りを続けていきたいもんね! じゃあ、最後までお祭りを楽しもっか!さあ、いっくよー! ぴょん、ぴょん!スプリングハズカーム! |
- | やあっ |
- | 起きて! |
- | わあっ!? |
- | うそっ…! |
오의 발동
Spring is here! | スプリングハズカーム! |
Warm, huh? | あったかいね! |
Springtime! | 春だよーっ! |
Hippety-hop! | ぴょんぴょん! |
Ha...Oww.... | あいたた…やっちゃった… |
Whoa! | えへっ |
Aw, thanks for the invite. And such a cute outfit! | 招待してくれてありがとう。可愛いお洋服が着られて嬉しいな! |
Whoa! *sigh* You startled me. | ひゃあっ!? もーっ、びっくりしたなあ! |
Ahh, spring... I can't help but be excited about this season. | 春って大好き! なんだかワクワクしちゃう。 |
Celica told me to have fun at the festival. So *giggle* that's what I'll do. | セリカさまも、お祭り楽しんできてねって言ってくれたの。 |
Novis is so pretty in springtime! Amazingly so! | ノーヴァ島の春はすっごくきれいなんだよ! |
I wonder what Boey would say if he saw me in this outfit... *laugh* That'd be silly! | ボーイにもこの衣装見てほしかったなー、なんて… |
Ugh, it's so warm out! Ha... Great outdoors, here we come! | あったかくなったし、あなたとたくさんお出かけしたいな! |
아군 턴 터치
Sounds good! | いいよ! |
Uh... | あれえ? |
Hoppin' to it. | ぴょーん! |