달과 별의 검사 마리타/대사


I am Mareeta, daughter of Eyvel, Mistress of Fiana. I will protect you with this sword. You have my word.私はフィアナのエーヴェルの娘マリータ。この剣で、守ってみせます。…そう、今度こそ、必ず。

Lord Leif, Lady Nanna... I will do whatever I can to safeguard you. I swear it on this blade.リーフ様、ナンナ様…今度こそ、守ってみせます。必ず、この剣に誓って。
My mother rescued me when I was young. Yes, I look up to Eyvel so. I hope I can be like her one day.幼い頃、私はエーヴェル母様に助けられた。それ以来、お母様は私の憧れであり目指すべき目標なの。
Let me know if there's anything you need. I'm here for you, [Summoner]![召喚師]さん、私にお手伝いできることがあったら、何でも言ってください!
I'm warming up for my training. Want to join me? It feels wonderful to move your body.訓練の為の準備運動です。あなたも一緒にやりませんか?体を動かすと、気持ちいいですよ。
My goals feel out of reach, so I keep on training. I need to be faster and sharper. My strikes should flow...私の目指す理想にはまだ遠いから、日々の修業は欠かせません。もっと速く、鋭く、流れるように…

친구 방문

So many Heroes are gathered here too. I wish I could train with them![召喚師]さんのお城…こちらにも大勢の英雄が集っているとか。是非とも一度、指南していただきたい。

레벨 업

I can feel the blood coursing through my veins. I'll reach new heights!感じる…この体に流れる血が、私をより高みへと導いてくれる…!
No, this isn't good enough. I must do better.ここで満足してはいけない。もっと出来るはず、私は。
I can't lose heart...くっ……こんなことで、くじけない…!


Thank you. You're pushing me toward my goal.ありがとう、これでまた目標に近づけます。

5성 40레벨 달성

I can't take my eyes off this sword. It does bring back painful memories, but I can't stop looking at it.
The bishop who saved me told me this: a sword is blessed or cursed only by the heart of its wielder.
The sword could only hold me in its thrall because my heart was weak. And that led to such terrible things...
To avoid repeating my mistakes, I will forge my heart and my skills. I refuse to lose the things that matter to me...
I will be sure to protect you from harm too—with this very sword.





오의 발동

Put your heart into it.技に心を乗せる…
Just like Shannan!シャナン様のように!
Defending those in need!私が守ります!




I am the daughter of Eyvel, mistress of Fiana! The enemy doesn't stand a chance.私はフィアナのエーヴェルの娘! 敵に遅れはとりません。
I'm in control, now. I won't fail you.きゃあっ!? い、いきなり何をするんですか!
I want to be stronger. I'll do whatever it takes.私は強くなりたい…どうしても強くなりたいんです。
When the time comes, I'll protect you. Trust me, I'm no stranger to a fight.私はこれでも剣士です。戦えないあなたの身は、私が守ります。
One day, Mother and Father, my sword will be as strong as yours.お父様、お母様…私の剣も、いつか…
Defeated by a cursed sword...what a child I was.…私が幼かったから…魔剣なんかに負けてしまったから…
I'm constantly honing my skill. Keep me with you, and I promise you won't regret it.私はもっと強くなります! だから、お願いです。私も一緒に…

아군 턴 터치

On your order.指示をください
You can count on me!負けません!

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