따스한 미소 마리아/대사


Hop hop! I'm Maria, and I'm a princess from Macedon. But now I'm a rabbit! I can't wait for the festival!マケドニア王国のマリアだよ。ウサギさんになって、アスク王国の春祭りに遊びに来ちゃいました。

I wonder what's hiding inside this egg? Oh! I bet it's a wyvern!この卵の中身…なにが入っているのかな?もしかして、飛竜の卵だったりして!
Macedonian winters are so harsh... I'm always grateful when the spring comes along. The sun feels so good!マケドニアの冬は厳しいから春の訪れはとってもうれしかったなあ。陽射しがね、とっても優しくなるの。
*sigh* The warmth makes me a little sleepy. Maybe I'll take a short nap.ふぁぁぁ…ぽかぽかしてて眠くなってきちゃったよう。ちょっとだけ、お昼寝しちゃおうかな?
Prince Alfonse and Princess Sharena are both dressed as rabbits! Hehe, there are so many rabbits about.アルフォンス王子やシャロン王女もウサギさんになっていたんだね!ふふっ、ウサギさんがいっぱいだー。
Look at me! I'm a fluffy rabbit! I even have cute floppy ears and a puffy tail.今日のわたしはウサギさんなの!見て見て、この可愛いお耳!しっぽだってふわふわなんだよ。

친구 방문

Hippity hop! I've come to deliver some spring cheer from [Friend]!ぴょんぴょんっ![フレンド]さんから春の陽気を届けにきました…!

레벨 업

I'm so glad I became a rabbit! Seeing everyone smile makes me so happy!みんなの笑顔を見てるとわたしも元気になっちゃう!ウサギさんになってよかった!
If I hop around a lot, maybe I can get big and strong like my brother and sister...ぴょんぴょん跳ねてたら兄様や姉様みたいに立派におっきくなれるかな…
Oh...I guess I just got carried away by the festivities...ううっ、ちょっぴり浮かれすぎちゃったかなあ。


Wow, this must be a present from spring itself! I'll be sure to cherish it!わぁ、とっても温かい…これが春からの贈り物だね!わたし、ずっと大事にするよ!

5성 40레벨 달성

Thank you so much for inviting me to the spring festival.
I had so much fun dressing up as a rabbit and hopping around.
But more than that, I was so happy to see everyone smiling and celebrating.
Even my brother and sister enjoyed themselves. I just wish they smiled like that all of the time...
I have to believe that someday, they will always be that happy. I can't give up on that hope!
With your help, I know we can make every day as happy and warm as the spring festival.
その日を信じて、わたしも頑張る。[召喚師]さんにも力を貸してほしいな! 約束だよ!





오의 발동

It's springtime!春だよー!
Feel the breeze!あったかいね
It's sunny. Let's go!遊びに行こうよ!
Bunny on a mission!ぴょんぴょん!


But it was so nice out...まだ…遊びたいのに…


This spring festival outfit is just adorable. I love it!春祭りの衣装、可愛い! 嬉しいな。
Oh! Hey, be careful with my ears!きゃっ! もう、耳をひっぱっちゃだめ!
I received this weapon for the festival. I hope I can use it well!お祭りではこの武器を使いなさいって。上手くできるかな?
I just love bunny rabbits. They're so adorable!ウサギさんってとってもかわいいよね! だーいすき!
I've heard that at some festivals, you can get candy. Is this one of them?お祭りって、お菓子もらえる?
I wish I could walk through this festival with my brother and sister by my side...兄様と姉様と、三人で手をつないで歩きたいな…
I found a nice patch of grass where we could sit and watch the festival together. Want to join me?ねえ、いっしょに日向でお昼寝しようよ!

아군 턴 터치

This way?こっち?

캐릭터 페이지로