축복과 주박의 상극 마리안/대사


I am Marianne von Edmund. I am little more than what you see, but please allow me to aid you.マリアンヌ…フォン=エドマンド…です。こんな私ですが、できればあなたをお手伝いさせてください。

I always disliked myself, but now... I feel as though I've been freed from those terrible feelings.私はずっと自分を嫌い続けていました。でも今は…その想いから解放されたような気がしています。
I'll do my best in life to use what I have learned from the kindness and warmth of others...私、精一杯生きます……人の優しさを、温もりを知ることができたから……
Supplies for the infirmary are here! I brought them over right away... Oh no! There go the bandages!あの…医務室で使う物資が届いていたので、持ってきました…あっ、包帯が…転がって…
I've been nervous, but everyone is so warm... You know, it really reminds me of the monastery.知らない方が多くて緊張しますね。でも、皆さん温かくて…どこか修道院を思い出します。
I was offering my prayers to the goddess. Would you join me?主に祈りを捧げていました。あなたもご一緒にどうですか?

친구 방문

Whew! I made it without getting lost! I'm here with a message from your friend [Friend].[フレンド]さんからの使者として参りました。よかった。迷わず来る事ができました…

레벨 업

Oh, Goddess... I offer my thanks.ああ…主よ…感謝致します。
Will I be more useful now?これで、もっと皆さんのお役にたてるでしょうか?
I'll follow secretly so I don't hold anyone back.足手まといにならないように、こっそり、ついて行きます……


Goddess, watch over me. Please give me the strength to protect everyone.主よ、私を見守りください…皆さんを守る力をお貸しください…

5성 40레벨 달성

I was praying to the goddess because I recently did something in battle that frightened people...
I was once told not to interact with others, so I did just that all my life.
I don't know that I've ever gotten over how that made me feel. I think this must be what a curse feels like.
But, I want to change. I want to be useful. I want to make it so everyone is able to smile...
So I'm praying for help to do my absolute best all the time, and to never hold anyone back.
I think I feel like I can do it because I met you... I hope we can keep having a positive impact on one another!





오의 발동

I don't want to lose!負けたくない…!
I mustn't retreat.退くわけには…
With this power...この力で…!
Goddess, please...主よ…どうか…


Sorry I couldn't...お役に…立てなくて…


I feel as though my curse is finally lifting.私自身、解放されたような…そんな気持ちがします…
Sorry. Did I...do something wrong?!? す、すみません。私、何かしてしまいましたか…?
The beast must have roamed aimlessly, suffering the whole time for what he'd done.あの獣はきっと…ずっと彷徨い続け、苦しんでいたんですね…
Maurice's Crest is a symbol of disaster. Anyone who came near it—near me—would suffer great misfortune. At least, that's what I thought...モーリスの紋章は災厄の象徴。関われば不幸になると…ずっとそう思い込んできましたが…
I'm starting to like myself.私はもう、自分のことを嫌いではないのです。
Goddess, I thank you.主よ…感謝します…
I shall do my best to not let anyone down, especially you.皆さんの…あなたのために、私、頑張ります!

아군 턴 터치

I can do it.そうですか…
Yes, I'm coming!向かいます…

캐릭터 페이지로