칭찬의 희구 마론/대사


I'm Marni, one of the Four Hounds. I've come a long way, and I'm pretty exceptional. I know you see it too!四狗の一員、マロンだよ。優秀なボクが遠路はるばる来たんだから何か言うことあるんじゃないの?

With so many Heroes here, how will anyone even notice me?こんなに英雄が沢山いるんだもん。どうせボクのことなんか、誰も気にしてないんでしょ。
In the world I come from, I was one of the Four Hounds, followers in service to Fell Dragon Sombron.
When I told people that, they would tremble with fear, so, you know...
You're always running around. It's a little irritating, you know... Huh? No, I'm not offering to help you out!キミ、いっつも走り回ってて何なの?ちょっと目障りなんですけど…って、別に仕事を手伝うとは言ってない!
I was great today! Impressive, huh? Bring on the praise! Special for today, I'll even let you rub my head.ボク、今日も頑張ってて偉いでしょ?ほら褒めて褒めて。今日は特別、頭を撫でても許してあげる。
There are parent and child Heroes here. I'm not sure I've seen a parent show their child so much love before.ここには、親子の英雄もいるんだね。子供を心から愛してる親って…ボク、ちゃんと見るの初めてかも。

친구 방문

I brought this from far away. Tell me I did a great job. Come on, praise me! Oh! It's from [Friend].はい、[フレンド]から。遠い場所からわざわざ来たんだから、いっぱい労って褒めてくれるよね?

레벨 업

I'm amazing! Now's your chance to tell me so!ボクってば、すっごーい!あ、褒めるなら今だよ!
This much is a given. It's got "worthy of praise" written all over it.これぐらい、とーぜん。称賛には値しまくってるよね。
What? That's it? But...I can do better.はあ? これだけ?ボクはもっと、できる子なのに。


This means you're looking after me, doesn't it? I love being the favorite!目をかけてくれてるってことだよね。ボク、えこひいき大好き!

5성 40레벨 달성

Oh, Summoner. What is it? Something about the next mission? I guess I can listen, but make it quick.
Whaaat?! You're putting me on the front lines?! But why?! Is it because I did too good a job in the last battle?
Ooh. Did you just praise me? I see. I do really like people who can see how amazing I am.
My mother abandoned me as a child. I helped her so much, but she never praised me. Not once. That's why...
I mean, it doesn't matter now. I'm over it. I'll prove that I deserve your praise. Then you can give me more.
ああ、[召喚師]。なーに? 次の作戦の共有?仕方ないな、手短に済ませてよ。
はあー!? こんな前線への配置!?普通に嫌なんですけど、なんで!?え…この前のボクの動きが良かったから?





오의 발동

Can I kill you now?殺していい?
No more games!ボクの全力!
Feel free to praise me.褒めて褒めて!


Beaten by weaklings...ボクが…こんな奴に…?


What? If you don't need anything, just go away. U-unless you've come to praise me, that is.なーに? 用がないならあっち行ってよ。褒めてくれるんなら別だけど。
Just one minute! Don't think you can casually come up and poke at me, all right? Actually, wait, when did you even get behind me?ちょっと、気安く触れないでくれる? てか、いつの間にボクの後ろに…
They worship you as the summoner or whatever, but basically you can only fight by summoning others, right?キミ、召喚師様って崇められてるけど、要は他人を喚び出さなきゃ戦えないってことだよね?
The Four Hounds are Lord Sombron's favorites. We can do anything, with impunity. Feels good to be appreciated!四狗は何してもお咎めなしの特権階級なんだよ、気分いーい。
I bet you have a big family. What? ...You don't have anyone here? Oh, um. That's a...a little sad.キミって家族はいるの? え…ここには誰も? ふーん、じゃあちょっと寂しいね。
I wonder where Zephia and Griss are right now. Oh, and Mauvier too...I guess.セピアもグリも、どこにいるんだろ…ああ、ついでにモーヴもね。
You're this great hero, but you don't look like much, so I'll help you out. When we win, be sure to lavish praise on me.キミって大英雄なのに弱そうー。強ーいボクが力を貸してあげる。戦果を挙げたら、誰よりも褒めてよね。

아군 턴 터치

Come to praise me?褒めてくれる?
I'll handle it.やってあげるよ

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