아리티아의 신랑 마르스/대사


Greetings. I am Prince Marth of Altea. This outfit? It's a traditional groom's outfit for a bridal festival, in which...
Well... It's a bit hard to explain, you see...

What do I want out of my marriage? I'd be happiest knowing the person I love is also happy.え、理想の結婚生活…?そうだね。僕の愛する人が幸せでいてくれたら嬉しいよ。
A member of the royal guard often took to wearing some odd outfits... They'd doubtless love this one.僕の近衛騎士は時々、とても変わった格好をしていたから、こういう服装も喜ぶかもしれないね。
Jagen, Cain, Abel, Draug, and Gordin... I can't help but wonder what they'd say if they saw me in this outfit.ジェイガンや、カイン、アベル、ドーガ、ゴードン…みんな、僕の格好を見たらなんて言うだろう?
I heard that Caeda attended a bridal festival a little while ago. It sounds like she had a wonderful time.シーダも前の年に、花嫁のお祭りに来ていたんだ。とても楽しかったみたいだね。
I'm not quite used to fighting on horseback.
I'll need the Altean knights to teach me how to simultaneously wield my weapon and control my horse.

친구 방문

I come with greetings of affection from [Friend]. May you always be happy.[フレンド]からの親愛の挨拶を届けに来たよ。どうかこれからも幸せに。

레벨 업

Ha, what a surprise! Could this be the power of love?驚いたよ。これが愛の力…なのかな?
I must become stronger to protect those I love.僕も強くなりたい。愛する人を守れるように。
My apologies... It seems I must refocus my efforts.すまない、気を引き締めないとね…


Why, thank you! It's like a celebration is just for me.ありがとう。なんだか君が祝ってくれてるみたいだ。

5성 40레벨 달성

I've been told this outfit is what a man wears when pledging his love to the woman he loves.
In my heart, I already know the woman I want by my side when I make such a vow, but...
Well, dressing in this outfit and thinking about making such vows somehow...makes me nervous.
Ha, I suppose wearing this has been good practice. Now that I know how it feels, I'll be ready for the real thing.
And when that day comes, I'd be honored to have you bear witness, [Summoner].




Not good...!いけない…!

오의 발동

May love triumph!愛の力だね
I vow victory!勝利を誓うよ
For those I love!愛する人のため
With all my heart!想いを胸に


Late for the ceremony...式に…遅れてしまうな…


What do you think? It's not...odd, is it?どうかな? おかしくないかな?
There's some dust on my clothes? Would you be so kind as to help brush it off?わっ! …え、服に埃が? ありがとう。
A festival is a brief respite for the soul.お祭りは、ひとときの安らぎだね。
This attire is...somewhat unsettling.こういう格好は、なんだか緊張してしまうよ。
I wonder where the perfect place to hold a wedding is around here!結婚式はどんな所がいいんだろうか?
Someday, when peace returns... I hope to have a wedding of my own.いつか平和になって、式をあげられたら…
I hope I can continue to count on you.これからもぼくを助けて欲しい。ぼくには、君が必要なんだ。

아군 턴 터치

Of course.はい
If only...二人は永遠に…
To happiness!幸せになろう

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