영웅의 나라의 후계자 마르스/대사


I'm Marth, Prince of Altea. I hope the two of us get along well together!ぼくはマルス。アリティアの王子だよ。仲良くしてくれると、うれしいな。

Jagen says I must grow stronger... Malledus says I must grow wiser... Being a prince is no easy task.ジェイガンはもっと強く、モロドフはもっと賢く…って言うんだよ。王子ってたいへんなんだ。
My father, King Cornelius, is the grandson of the younger brother of the Hero Anri...
That means I have hero's blood in my veins, doesn't it?
The people of this castle fight with such regularity. They should be sure to rest! ...As my sister would insist.この城の人たちは、ずっと戦い続けているんだって…?たまには休まないと、姉上におこられるよ。
There would be quite the celebration if someone like you were to fight for Altea, [Summoner].[召喚師]みたいな人がアリティアの騎士団に来てくれたらみんな喜ぶと思うよ。
Everyone here is so nice, I have not been lonely a second. And besides, there are a few familiar faces...いろんな人達がやさしくしてくれてちっとも寂しくなんかないよ。ぼくを知っている人もいるみたいだね。

친구 방문

I've been sent to wish you all the best, [Summoner]![フレンド]さんが、[召喚師]さんへ今後ともよろしくと言っていたよ。

레벨 업

I'm glad that was resolved... Next time, I will take even bolder action.勝ててよかった……これからも勇気を出して戦うよ。
Not bad. But not perfect either.うまくいったみたいだね。これからもがんばるよ。
Elice...Merric... Without you, I am surely lost.姉上…マリク…ひとりでいるのがこんなに心細いなんて……


Thank you. In Altea's name, I pledge to grow stronger!ありがとう。アリティアのために、もっと強くなるよ。

5성 40레벨 달성

It's strange, [Summoner]...
Even when we had just met, I had a feeling we'd grow close.
Without words, there was a natural connection... My father once said true friendship is like that.
I have a few good friends... Merric, Jagen and the rest of the knights, and my sister, Elice.
All of them are important to me. And you have grown to be equally important, [Summoner].


Here I come!いくよ!


That hurts...!痛いよ…!

오의 발동

I'll do what I can!がんばるよ!
I will protect the land!みんなのために…
I'll test my strength!強くなるんだ!
For Altea!ぼくが守る!


I'm sorry...ごめんなさい…


My name is Marth. I hope we can become great friends.ぼくの名前はマルスだよ。仲良くしてほしいな。
Whoah! You startled me. It seems you like teasing people, huh?わあっ! びっくりした。きみはいたずらが好きなんだね。
My elder sister is a very kindhearted person.ぼくの姉上は、とってもお優しいんだ。
I must get strong, and study hard so I can become a great king someday.もっと強くなって、勉強して、立派な王にならなくっちゃ。
My friend Merric is quite adept at magic.幼なじみのマリクは魔道が得意なんだよ。
Altea is at peace. I hope it stays that way forever...このままずっと、アリティアが平和だったらいいな…
I'm eager to learn as much as I can at your side.これからもきみの傍で、たくさんのことを学びたいな。

아군 턴 터치

This way?こっちかい?
I must be careful...気をつけなきゃ…
I will go.行ってくるよ

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