전설의 여기사 마틸다/대사


I am Mathilda of the Deliverance. I will prove to you that, in battle, I am as strong as anyone.私はマチルダ。ソフィア解放軍の一員だ。戦場では男も女もない。いかなる任務でも遂行してみせよう!

This is a wonderful place. Everywhere I look, I see order—from the people to the castle itself.
That's the soul of this kingdom and its people. I'm sure of it.
I was captured by the enemy...and caused everyone a lot of trouble. But I'm fighting for the Deliverance now.私は解放軍の一員として戦っていたのだが敵に捕らえられてしまって……その節は、皆に迷惑をかけた。
The way you look after your people... I'm sure that everyone feels safe just knowing you're here. Thank you.君がそうやって見守ってくれるから皆も安心して戦えるのだろうな。いつもありがとう。
Show me the place you consider the most beautiful. I want to take my love there.君がこの国でいちばん美しいと思う場所に案内してもらえないか?私の恋人にも見せてあげたいんだ。
I was just sharpening my lance. I must be ready to fight at any time for the safety of everyone here.槍の手入れをしていたんだ。皆を守れないようなことがあってはならないからな。

친구 방문

I'm glad you're well. I bring regards from [Friend].[フレンド]からの挨拶を届けに来た。君が息災であればなによりだ。

레벨 업

I do wonder... Who could my rival be?いまの私に敵う者があるものか!
I train every day. That is how you improve—bit by bit.日頃の鍛錬の賜物だな。
This...is disappointing. Truly.これは……失望させてしまったな。


I shall give it my all. I can do no less for you.全身全霊をもって君の期待に応えてみせよう!

5성 40레벨 달성

Do you have a moment? I need your advice. It's about my love's sister. No matter what I do, it's not enough.
I want to bridge the gap between us. She is not so different from him... Attractive, intelligent, and strong.
I'm rambling. What I really want to ask is this: what can I do?
You say that if I care this much, she'll come around eventually? I hope so. For now, I'll take your word for it.
It's strange, isn't it? It's so easy to talk to you, even about such a difficult subject... I hope we may speak again.


Here I go!いくぞ!


Can't be...!ばかな…!

오의 발동

How presumptuous!身の程を知れ!
My turn!悪く思うな!
So long!覚悟!
I've seen enough.目ざわりだ


Not now...無念だ……


All right. What do you want?ははっ、甘えたいのか?
This world is quite the diversion.この世界も、なかなか興味深いな。
Should I tell you of my lover? Why not. He's the best man in my world.私の恋人は、世界一の男なんだ。
If you have a concern, I'll be here for you, day or night.悩みがあるならいつでも言ってくれ。
I wonder if I'll ever get any closer to Clair...クレアとも、もっと仲良くしたいのだが……
I take up my lance in the service of one man, and one man alone.この槍はあの人のために……
I'm proud to fight at your side.お前と共に戦えること、誇りに思うぞ。

아군 턴 터치

All right.いいだろう。
A task.厄介だな……
I'm off.参る!

캐릭터 페이지로