시스터 레나의 오빠 마티스/대사


My sister ran off, I was ordered to war... My family may very well end with this generation.妹のレナはいなくなるし、戦に出ろって尻はひっぱたかれるし、うちの家は俺の代で終わりかもな……

Although I dislike war, were I to refuse, I would be put to death. I was left no choice...戦争は好きじゃないけど逆らったら処刑されるし……ま、仕方ないよ。
Macedon has bowed to Dolhr, and now we face the worse end of the bargain.ドルーアに協力してからというもの、マケドニアはひどくなる一方さ。
Aah! Even the approaching steps of warhorses are frightening. The very sensation of dread itself...ひ……っ!軍馬の足音って怖いものだ。まさに恐怖そのものって感じがするよ…!
I don't wish for this to get out but... Prince Marth of Altea is truly kind. If I must serve, I'd serve Altea.これは極秘情報だけどな、アリティアのマルス王子はやさしい人だ。仕えるならアリティアがいいぞ。
My younger sister refused the prince's marriage proposal. I suppose she was nervous or something...
We must find her a suitable match.

친구 방문

A fine castle. Someday I may request entry to escape battle. Please, do not tell [Friend]!頑丈そうな、いい城だ。いざというときは逃げこませてもらうよ。[フレンド]には内緒な!

레벨 업

Oh! Have I improved?! Well, I suppose I am a soldier of Macedon, after all.お……おおっ、うまくいった!?それはまあ、俺もマケドニアの騎士だし?
I must find my resolve. If I am to die, I want to do so with some dignity and grace.こうなったら覚悟を決めるさ。どうせ死ぬなら、カッコよく死にたいもんな。
Lena...my sister. Forgive your fool of a brother...レナ……妹よ。バカな兄ちゃんでごめんな…


Your expectations are troubling... Please just promise not to put me on the front lines.期待されても困るんだけどな……最前線だけは勘弁してくれよ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Here, [Summoner]!
Sorry to be so loud, but I have been thinking.
What if this place, I mean this world, is the other side? There is no doubt that I would have died in that battle.
A hodgepodge group of guys dragged into battle clearly has no chance of defeating Prince Marth's army...
Lena...my sister. Forgive your foolish brother. I will pray for your happiness from the comfort of this castle.
My sister is capable, but plenty of scoundrels wish to exploit her heart and steal her affection. Protect her...





오의 발동

I've got what it takes!やってやる!
For my sister...妹のために…
I can fight if I must.おれだって!
I will protect her!守ってみせる!


Forgive your foolish brother...馬鹿な兄ちゃんを…許せ…


I'm Matthis. It's nice to meet you.おれはマチスだ。よろしく頼む。
Huh... Lena?! Ah, it was only you.えっ…、レナか!? なんだ、お前かあ。
My greatest wish is to see my sister again before I die.死ぬ前に、一度でいいから妹に会いたいんだ。
I won't just hand over my sister to a thief like Julian!ジュリアンみたいな盗賊に、可愛い妹は渡せないな。
I never wanted to fight. I was pressed into joining the rebel army.無理やり反乱軍に入れられたけど、戦うのは嫌なんだよな。
Lena, where could you be?レナ…お前は今どこにいるんだ。
Let us work together and search for my dear Lena!ふたりで力を合わせて、可愛いレナを捜そうぜ!

아군 턴 터치

Oh, I see.そうか
I'll do it!よし!

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