유연한 수도사 메르세데스/대사


It's so nice to meet you! My name is Mercedes von Martritz, but you can just call me Mercie.あらあら、はじめまして~。私はメルセデス=フォン=マルトリッツよ。メーチェって呼んでちょうだいね。

Goodness, I don't know that I would call myself a "Hero." But I'll try to be as heroic as I possibly can.まあ、異界の英雄? 私が~?ふふっ…何だか信じられない話だけれど、英雄らしくなれるよう、頑張ってみるわね。
I was born as a noble in the Empire, but when I was young my mother and I fled to a small church in Faerghus.元々は、帝国貴族のお家で生まれたの。だけど…そうねえ、いろいろあって、ずっと王国の教会で暮らしていたのよ~。
Don't work too hard, all right? If you need any help, let me know. I would be more than happy to lend a hand.あらあら、無理をしちゃ駄目よ~?私にできるお仕事があったら、手伝うわ。これでも手先の器用さには自信があるの~。
When you're done with your work, why don't we have tea? I can bake some treats for us to eat!そうだわ、あなたのお仕事が終わったら、一緒にお茶でもどうかしら?美味しいお菓子を焼いて、待ってるわね~。
I know that the goddess is always watching over us. That's why I make sure to pray regularly.お祈りをしていたの~。フォドラの女神様は、どんな時でも天上から私たちを見守ってくださるのよ。

친구 방문

Hello! My, what a lovely place this is. I come bearing a message from your friend [Friend].あらあら、こんにちは~。[フレンド]から挨拶よ。何だか、ここも楽しそうなところね~。

레벨 업

You can rely on me.ふふっ、こんなに強くなれるなんて。もっと頼ってくれてもいいのよ~。
I feel more...powerful!あらあら?ちょっと、強くなったみたいね~。
This is not going as well as I'd hoped.う~ん。なかなか上手くいかないわね~。


A new way to make myself useful!まあ! ありがとう、嬉しいわ。きっと役に立ってみせるから~。

5성 40레벨 달성

How long has it been since we met? It feels like so long ago—but at the same time, I remember it vividly.
I felt nervous to be in this unfamiliar world, far away from the land I had called home.
I was trying to put on a brave face, but deep down, I was feeling uneasy. I had no idea what might happen.
Yet when I saw your face... It's hard to explain. Somehow I knew I would be safe here.
You're so unlike me. You don't wait in fear for "what might happen." You carve your own path.
You have shown me that I, too, can carve my own path. And I'll make sure my path hews close to yours.
…あらあら? そうは見えなかった?そうねえ、なるようにしかならない…って、思っていたからかもしれないわね~。





오의 발동

Sorry about this.ごめんなさいね~
Excuse me.どいてちょうだい
Your end has come.これで終わりよ~
Are you prepared for this?覚悟はいいかしら~?


I can't…go on...もう…立てないわ…


There. All better.もう大丈夫よ~
May the goddess protect you.主のご加護を…
May the grace of the goddess shine upon you.あなたにも、どうか女神様のご加護がありますように。
I don't hate nobles, but I haven't had very good experiences with them in the past...貴族は嫌いじゃないけれど~、あんまりいい思い出はないわ…
I have an idea! Why don't I share one of my favorite scary stories with you soon?そうだわ。今度、とっておきの怖い話を聞かせてあげる。
Dear Goddess… Please protect us...女神様…どうか、私たちをお守りください…
*laugh* It will be OK! I promise to protect you.ふふっ、大丈夫よ~。あなたのことは、私が守ってあげるから。

아군 턴 터치

Right away!ええ
What should I do?どうしましょう?
I'm ready.行きましょうか~

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