느긋한 바캉스 메르세데스/대사


My name is Mercedes. I'm not usually one for exercise, but if you'd like to go swimming, I'd accompany you.私はメルセデスよ、よろしくね。あらあら? 一緒に泳ぎたいの?水遊び程度ならお付き合いするわ~。

The beach really is the best place to spend a holiday, isn't it? I'd like to invite Annie to join us next time.海も綺麗だし、日差しも気持ちいい…ふふっ、最高の休日の過ごし方よね。今度、アンも誘いたいわ~。
Your sunburn hurts? Hmm, maybe I can heal you with my staff... Let's give it a try, shall we?日焼けの跡が痛むの~?うーん、杖で治せるといいのだけど…ちょっと試してみましょうか~。
Do you like my swimsuit? I chose it for the fine stitching details in the ruffles. It's quite cute too.この水着、とても可愛らしくて気に入っているの~。後ろ側の仕立ても見てみたい?
I thought a sweeter tea would pair well with the beach atmosphere, so I prepared some for us to enjoy.浜辺の雰囲気に合うかなと思って甘い香りのお茶を用意してみたの。海で楽しむお茶もいいわね~。
Thank you for inviting me. I'm glad I decided to come along and enjoy the beach with you.[召喚師]に誘われるまま、海に遊びにきたけど…今回は流されて正解だったかも~。

친구 방문

I'm on vacation at the beach with [Friend].
Would you care to join us?

레벨 업

Wonderful! Well, should we get back to enjoying the sunshine?これでよし、と。さあ、もっと楽しんじゃおっか~。
Swimming at the beach is a bit like training, I suppose.あらあら?海水浴も訓練にはなるのね~。
The sunlight is a little too strong... Could we rest in the shade for a bit?少し日差しが強すぎるわ~。木陰で休んでてもいいかしら…?


For me? Hehe, it seems this is going to be a wonderful summer.これを私に~?ふふっ、素敵な夏になりそう。

5성 40레벨 달성

Do you see the sunset on the horizon? It's so lovely against the sea.
Just looking out at it lifts my spirits. I must show gratitude to the goddess for that. However...
I'm not completely free of worry. I would love to enjoy the beach in a battle-free Askr one day.
I will do everything I can to make that peace a reality. Being here makes me even more determined to do so.
I hope that the next time the two of us are here, watching the sunset over the water, we'll feel truly at peace.
Let's continue to work hard while we pray for that day to come, [Summoner].





오의 발동

Ride the wave!波が高いわ~
What fun!楽しいわね~
Tuckered out already?もう終わりなの~?
Sink or swim!溺れちゃう~?


I may have gone overboard...疲れちゃった……


Thank you so much for including me on this trip to the beach. I'm just so happy to be here!海に連れてきてくれてありがとう。とっても嬉しいわ~
Oh? *giggle* You're a sneaky one, aren't you?きゃっ!? もう、お茶目さんね~
I'm not usually one for exercise, but swimming sure is fun!体を動かすのは得意じゃないの~。でも水遊びは好きよ~
Oh my, it's really warming up. Should we find a nice, shady spot to relax?暑いわね~。木陰で休憩しない?
Everyone else ran off to participate in a swimming competition. Ah, to be so young. *giggle*みんな泳ぎに行っちゃった。元気ね~
I must remember to thank the goddess for this wonderful vacation in my nightly prayers.こんなに素敵な休暇を過ごせるなんて、女神様に感謝しなくちゃ~
I spotted some beautiful fish in the nearby shoal. Would you like to take a look with me?あっちの浅瀬に綺麗な魚がいたの。見に行きましょうよ~

아군 턴 터치

I can feel the heat!暑いわね~
Oh, this way?そっちなの~?
Let's enjoy it!遊びましょ~

캐릭터 페이지로