아름다운 진수기사 메린/대사


I'm Merrin, royal knight of Solm. This isn't my world, but I'll fight for it! Where is Princess Timerra?ソルムの王城騎士、メリンだよ。世界が違えど上手く立ち回ろう。我が姫、ミスティラ王女はここに?

I met a Hero who can turn into an animal! I didn't know people who aren't dragons could do that!動物に姿を変える英雄を見つけました!竜以外にもそんな種族がいるだなんて、ああ…お近づきになりたい…っ!
In my homeland, I protected Princess Timerra as her knight. Mostly, I'd guard her camp and tend the fire.祖国ではミスティラ姫の騎士として姫の御身をお守りしておりました。具体的には、野営の警護や火の番などを。
To soothe an aching heart, eat a sweet, or pet an animal! If you like doing those things, that is.癒しが欲しい時は甘味の摂取もしくは動物を撫でることをお勧めします。どちらも嫌いでなければ、ですが。
Askr's animals are wonderful. Have you seen that owl over there? She's so fascinating!アスク固有の動物たち、素晴らしいです。特に、そこのフクロウ…とても興味深い。僕の珍獣図鑑は分厚くなってしまいます。
I saw a person with rabbit ears! Was it a Hero in a costume? Or are they a rare critter from another world?!あの! 先程兎耳の方がいたのですが、装飾品をつけている英雄でしょうか。それとも、異世界から来た珍獣…!?

친구 방문

Are there rare critters here too? Oh! I've got a greeting for you from your friend [Friend]![フレンド]からの挨拶を言付かってきたよ。ンッフフ…この世界にも珍獣はいるのかい?

레벨 업

I shall remain stoic as I defeat my enemies. It's simply my style.喜びは心の中に秘め、敵を倒すのが僕の流儀さ。
As long as I'm improving, that's cool enough for me.かっこよく成長できているなら本望だよ。
Ugh...that wasn't very cool. I wish you hadn't seen that.これは…かっこ悪いところを見せてしまったね。


I've been granted the power to fight, so you'd better believe I'm going to give it my all!力を賜った以上、無様な戦はしません。僕の勇姿をしかとご覧くださいね。

5성 40레벨 달성

Look! An Askran rabbit! It's so cute! Oh! It ran off.
I'm so happy you summoned me. I've seen new rare critters, and I've met knights from other worlds.
I learned a lot about fighting in my world, but here, I've learned to polish my strategies.
Please keep on teaching me all sorts of things. I want to learn everything I can!
Now, I have an important question. The owl that's at our castle... Where does it get all those rainbow orbs?





오의 발동

Let's have some fun!僕と遊ぼうよ
I will strike you down!一撃を捧ぐ!
For my princess!我が姫のため!
Back to your den!巣にお帰り


This can't be...認めない、こんな……


I am a knight who honors her princess, no matter where I go.僕はどこにいようと、我が姫に恥じぬ騎士であるだけです。
Oh— You closed that distance like it was nothing. Reminds me so much of the Tartu Flamingo from my homeland!その距離の詰め方、祖国にいた珍獣ババロフラミンゴによく似ています!
Tell me. What sorts of animals live here? I want to know everything about this place.この世界のこと、色々教えてください。生息する動物のことは、特に詳しく。
I hear that summoners like you are incredibly rare. So... You're like a rare critter!召喚師たる大英雄は、たいへん珍しい存在だと聞きます。つまり…あなたも珍獣…!?
My wolf partner was given to me by my princess. I bet you'd like to pet her sometime, huh?僕の相棒のオオカミは、我が姫より賜った大切な存在なのです。今度、撫でてみますか?
I'm in the mood for some snacks. Something sweet, or salty? Or both!何だかお菓子が食べたい気分だなあ…甘いのも、しょっぱいのもいいなあ。
I don't only chase after rare critters, you know. You'll see... I'm a cool cat.いつも珍獣ばかり追いかけているわけではありませんよ。あなたには、僕の格好いいところを沢山お見せしていく所存です。

아군 턴 터치

Comin' right up!承知
With pride.誇りを胸に
Time to shine!無論です

캐릭터 페이지로