뒷골목의 자만가 메토제이/대사


Hehehehe... At last, it is time for Metodey! You kept me waiting far too long!ケェッヘッヘ……ようやくこの俺、メトジェイ様の出番が来たな!ずいぶん待たせやがって!

A secret mission from a mighty noble, huh? Just a few more moons, then all will know that I am the Empire's—
Hm-hm-hm... Forget I said anything.
What?! D-don't sneak up on people!何だっ!?ひ、人の後ろから話しかけるなっ!
From covert investigations to removal of rivals, I'll take on any dirty work, as long as you make it worth my while.潜入調査から毒殺まで、汚れ仕事はなんでも引き受けてやるよ。そのかわり、報酬は弾んでもらうぜ?
Hehe... Everyone desires something. Deep down, pretentious aristocrats and Heroes are just like the rest of us.ケヘヘッ……誰にだって欲はあるんだ。気取った貴族どもや英雄サマだろうと一皮めくれば俺たちと同じさ。
Got an idea for a new device while I was eating. It uses a hook and string, like so... Hehe... Oh, it's for fishing.食事中に、新しい仕掛けを思いついたのさ。針と糸を使って、こう……ケヒヒッ………釣りの話だぞ?

친구 방문

I'm Metodey! I may not be someone you want to write home about, but I still expect a warm welcome!俺はメトジェイ!名乗るほどの者でもないが、歓迎してもらおう!

레벨 업

Don't move, any of you! If you move, your lives will be forfeit!ケェッヘッヘ……全員、動くな!動けば命はないぞ!
Winner takes it all! Ahahaha! Rob them of everything!勝った者がすべてだ!何もかも奪ってしまえ!ゲハハハハ!
Cheap party tricks!ふ、ふざけやがって!


Let's make sure it's not some cheap imitation. Hand it over.フン……偽物じゃねえだろうな?いいから、こっちに寄越せ!

5성 40레벨 달성

Hey there! You've got skills, I'll give you that... I could use someone like you.
Can't say too much in public, but I took on a job from a notable client. Kind of a secret mission, if you will...
Payment's no concern, but without an assistant, I can't possibly present myself before those stuffy nobles.
Which brings me to you. You're not too honorable or too conspicuous. You're perfect. You should join me.
It involves secrecy, but no danger. If things go awry, only some brats will... We just have to watch our step.
We can become the emperor's aides if we don't mess this up. Can't you feel it? The goddess smiles on us!





오의 발동

Cheap party tricks!ふ、ふざけやがって!
Your death won't matter!貴様が死ね!
How shall I cook you?どう調理してやろう?


Please, spare me!命ばかりは…お助けを…


I am Metodey. Soon, all will know that I am the Empire's— *chuckle* Forget I said anything.メトジェイだ。もうじき晴れて帝国…おっと、これは言っちゃまずかった。
Hey! Watch what you're doing. I won't hesitate to kill you!ひいっ!? な、何しやがる。ぶっ殺すぞ!
Perhaps I will help myself to any treasure they have as a parting gift and take my leave.せめて見つけたお宝だけでも持って逃げてやる!
Get to work, everyone!それ、お前らはさっさと働け!
Th-the person over there, is that...Emperor Edelgard!?あ、あそこにいるのはまさか…皇女のエーデルガルト!?
I wonder...is there no employer that can pay me more than this?もっと金払いの良いお方が雇ってくれねえもんかな…
There's no time for foolish blunders when our glorious future is at stake.つまらねえドジ踏むんじゃねえぞ。俺たちの未来は明るいんだ。

아군 턴 터치

Stop dawdling!ぐずぐずするな!
Now then...さて…

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