은색 머리칼의 소녀 미카야/대사
I'm Micaiah. The townspeople call me the Silver-Haired Maiden. I'm pleased to meet you! | 私はミカヤ。民たちからは銀の髪の乙女と呼ばれています。どうぞお見知りおきを。 |
I saw a lovely sunset the other day. Even though I've been summoned to a different world, nature continues to astound me with its beauty. | 先日、綺麗な夕日を見ました。こうして違う世界に召喚されても、自然は変わらず美しいものなのですね。 |
People continue to fight and kill each other, no matter the world, or the era. Yet, still... I find myself... | なぜ、どの時代や世界でも、人はこうして争い、傷つけあうのでしょうか。それでも、私は… |
I don't really like crowds. Sometimes, I sneak off to the forest to catch a break. I'm guessing the guiding hand of this army might need a break, too! | 人が多いところは少し苦手で…時々、こっそり森に身体を休めに行くんです。軍を指揮してお疲れではありませんか? |
I found some delicious-looking fruit while I was strolling around the castle grounds. Want some? | お城の外を散歩していたら、おいしそうな果物を見つけたんです。一緒にいかがですか? |
I was thinking... While I'm here, I can be my true self. Here, my past has no hold on me. And when I think that... I can't help but wish that I could stay here forever. | 考えごとをしていました。生まれを気にせずただの私でいられる世界。もしかして、ずっとここで暮らすのも幸せなのかなって。 |
친구 방문
Hello. I'm Micaiah. I'm on a visit from [Friend]'s place. | こんにちは、私はミカヤと申します。[フレンド]の元からご挨拶に参りました。 |
레벨 업
Goddess Ashunera, I thank you for your guidance. | 女神アスタテューヌよ、お導きに感謝いたします。 |
I've got to work harder. Everyone is counting on me. | もっとがんばらなくちゃ。みんなを守れるように… |
This is a trial willed by the goddess. I'll overcome it. | この試練も女神の思し召し…必ず乗り越えてみせます。 |
I can use this power to help end all the sorrow fighting brings. | この力で、争いの連鎖を…人々の悲しみを無くしたい。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
You know, you're kind and thoughtful, [Summoner]. My brother and I live apart, now...but the way you worry about me reminds me of him. It's strange to feel this way, yet it's also intensely familiar... The skies that separate me from my brother are vast. But I'm starting to think of you as family, too. Still, there's something I haven't been able to tell you yet—something about myself. Even now, I can't reveal everything about myself or my powers. Someday, though... I'm certain I'll be able to tell you everything. | ふふ、[召喚師]さんは、いつも私を気遣ってくださるのですね。 離れ離れになってしまった弟も、こんな風に私を心配してくれて…なんだか不思議と懐かしい気持ちです。 私の家族は今は遠い空の下にいるけれど、いつのまにかあなたのことも家族のように思ってしまっていたみたい。 私…[召喚師]さんに話していないことがあるんです。 私が何者なのか、この力が何なのか。まだ、全てをお話することはできないけれど、 あなたにはいつか全てを打ち明けられる、そんな気がするんです。 |
ええいっ! | |
だめ! |
きゃああっ! | |
This pain's nothing... | こんな痛み… |
오의 발동
I have no choice! | 戦うしかないもの |
If this means survival... | 生きる…そのためなら |
I have to fight! | 退けない理由がある… |
Such cowardly tactics. | どんな卑怯なことだって… |
Daein will forgive me. | わたしが…死んでも…きっと… |
ふふっ | |
I'm Micaiah. I'm just a...fortune teller... | わたしはミカヤ。ただの…占い師よ。 |
Eek! W-wait, Yune! Hold still! | きゃっ!? だめ、ユンヌ、じっとして… |
I can tell what people are thinking, you know. Right now you were thinking about how jealous you are! | わたし…相手の考えがわかってしまうの。あ、今うらやましいって思った? |
Sometimes I get very frightened. I can't think what I'd do if I lost you. It feels like my heart would rip apart. | 時々、とても怖くなる…あなたを失ったらと思うと…心が張り裂けそう… |
I believe in you. You have a pure heart. | わたしは…あなたを信じるわ。あなたの純粋な心を…信じる。 |
The visions I see spreading out before us... We're meeting others and forming bonds... And we're fighting side by side. | この先に見えるイメージは…出会い、絆…そして、戦い… |
Promise me that we'll both live through this. | お願い…約束して…共に生きて戻ると…… |
아군 턴 터치
Yes? | ええ |
What should I do? | どうすればいいの…? |
Let's move. | 行きましょう |
공격 - 신장
たあっ | |
Death... | 死よ… |
피격 - 신장
きゃあっ | |
You cannot run... | 避けられない… |
오의 발동 - 신장
Rest in peace. | 安らかな眠りを… |
Death is deliverance... | 死は救い… |
Accept it. | もう諦めて |
This is the end. | これでお終い |
패배 - 신장
So this is death... | これが…死なのね… |
상태창 - 신장
Hehe... | ふふ… |
These clothes are from Hel, the realm of the dead. I'd love to hear your thoughts on my new look. | 死の国、ヘルの衣装に着替えてみたの。感想を聞かせて? |
Oh! Your hand is so cold. | きゃっ…! あなたの手って冷たいのね。 |
Princess Eir actually has a very warm heart. I can tell. | エイル王女の心は、本当はとても暖かい…。わたしにはわかるの。 |
I've never worn clothing like this before. I feel almost...villainous. Heeheehee... | こんな衣装は初めて…何だか、ちょっと悪い人みたいね。ふふ… |
To consider death makes me also consider how I must do all I can with the time I have left. | 死を思うたびに、今この時間を懸命に生きなければと思うわ。 |
One day, everyone will have to leave me behind... No, I mustn't think of that. | みんな、いつかはわたしを残して…いいえ、考えるのはよしましょう。 |
I will shield you from death. That is my promise to you. | あなたを死から守ってみせる。約束するわ。 |
아군 턴 터치 - 신장
Understood. | 了解したわ |
Um... | ええと… |
I'll draw them in. | いざなってあげる |