새벽의 여왕 미카야/대사


I am Micaiah. I hope to lead Daein as best I can. Any support you can offer is appreciated.私はミカヤ。デインの王として、がんばります…どうか応援して下さいね。

I won't waver anymore... I will build an age in which everyone can live their lives in peace!私はもう迷わない。誰もが平和に生きる時代を作ってみせる…!
I once thought Prince Pelleas ought to be ruler... But the people put their faith in me—I must do right by them.ペレアス様が国を治めてくれるのが一番よいと思っていたけれど…皆の期待には応えたいと思っているわ。
It's always "My Queen this" and "My Queen that." I know it's the way of things, but the formality is tiresome...どこにいっても女王、女王と呼ばれて…当たり前のことだけど、疲れるわ。あなたも無理はしないでね。
Whoops! Almost took a tumble there! I guess I'm still not used to this outfit. Thanks for having my back, as usual.あっ…[召喚師]さん。慣れない衣装なので転んでしまって…よいしょ…ありがとうございます!
I've been getting the feeling Yune still watches from somewhere just out of sight. Always up to some mischief...こうしていると、ユンヌがまだどこかで私たちを見てくれている気がするの。あの子はいたずら好きだから。

친구 방문

I'm visiting on behalf of your good friend, [Friend].[フレンド]の元からご挨拶に参りました。どうかこれからも良好な関係を…

레벨 업

We will build the future with our own hands! Yune, please watch over us!私たちの手で、未来を築く…!ユンヌ、見ていてね。
I must fight now to forge a future age of peace!私の戦いは、平和な時代を作るために…!
I mustn't get discouraged! Not now, after Daein placed its trust in me!こんなことで落ち込んでられない…!私に復興への希望を託してくれたデインのみんなのためにも…!


Thank you. I will use this power for the benefit of all.ありがとう。この力を、みんなのために使うわ。

5성 40레벨 달성

My world is one of constant strife. People fought for power, influence, and even just for their daily bread...
The fact is, the weak are no match for the strong... But I couldn't stay silent and watch from a distance.
Thus, the Dawn Brigade was born... and with help from Sothe and the others, Daein has been restored.
By following my heart and giving a voice to those who had none, I was able to change Tellian history...
You and I are similar in that sense. This world needs you just as mine needed me. I can feel it.
But I wouldn't call that a prophecy... more like a belief. Nevertheless, I am happy to join you in walking this path.





오의 발동

For the hope of all!みんなの思いを!
Get behind me!守ってみせる
I won't let you win!私は負けない!
Will of the goddess...女神の導きを…


I...let you down...みんな…ごめんなさい…


I am Queen Micaiah, fifteenth ruler of Daein. It is a pleasure to meet you.わたしはデイン第十五代国王、ミカヤです。会えて嬉しいわ。
Ah! Yun—! Oh... I thought you were someone else—but, she's gone now...きゃっ…っ! …ユンヌかと思ったわ。もういないのにね……
As Daein's ruler, it is my duty to defend it as the precious place it is...これからは国王としてデインを守るわ。わたしの大切な祖国を…
Yune may be gone, but...I have a feeling she still watches over us.ユンヌは行ってしまったけれど…いつも見守ってくれている気がするの。
Sothe is my constant companion—even in times of trouble. Thanks to him, I know I'm safe.辛いことがあっても、サザが傍にいてくれるもの。大丈夫よ。
Please, Ashera...Yune... Believe in us again like you once did!アスタルテ、ユンヌ。もう一度だけ、私たちを信じて……
If we can unite behind a purpose, we can overcome any obstacle! There is no truth more wonderful.私たちは種族も、時空も超えて出会い、信じ合える。とても素敵なことね。

아군 턴 터치

Of course.もちろんよ
I see.そうね…
For Daein!デインの為に

캐릭터 페이지로