파도소리의 소녀 미카야/대사


I'm Micaiah, of the Dawn Brigade. The winds of paradise have led me to these seaside sands.私は「暁の団」のミカヤ。楽園の風に誘われて南の島にやってきたの。

Tropical islands are home to birds of all shapes, sizes, and colors. Oh! Doesn't that one look like Yune?南の島には色鮮やかな鳥たちがたくさんいるのね…あの鳥、ユンヌに似ているかも。
When our long battle is finally over, I'd love to return here with the Dawn Brigade for some rest and relaxation.すべての戦いが終わったら…今度は「暁の団」のみんなとこの島に遊びに来たいわね。
The tropical sun shines brightly for everyone, regardless of who they are or where they are from.南国の日差しは誰のもとにも平等に降り注ぐ。身分も種族も別け隔てなく…
I can't remember when I last wore an outfit this revealing. I'm sure Sothe has his own thoughts on it...こんなに肌を出す装いをするのははじめてかも。サザはなんて言うかしら…
A tropical paradise really does make you feel alive. It's no stretch to call it a blessing from the goddess herself.生を実感させてくれる楽園の日々。これこそ女神の恵みと言っても過言ではないと思うの。

친구 방문

I'm Micaiah, of the Dawn Brigade. Care to join me on a tropical island retreat with [Friend]?私は「暁の団」のミカヤ。[フレンド]は南の島で休暇中なの。

레벨 업

With the cool summer breeze at my back, I feel like I can do anything!心地よい夏の風が私の背中を押してくれる…
The tropical sunlight isn't as blinding as it was before... Good. I may have gotten used to it.よかった…南国の日差しにも慣れてきたみたい。
My throat...is parched...少し…喉が渇いてしまったみたい…。


Thank you. I won't forget this summer for as long as I live.ありがとう…。私はこの夏を一生忘れない。

5성 40레벨 달성

I had another vision... In it, I foresaw that I would soon experience the "winds of paradise."
Only now do I understand that those winds are in fact the pleasant breeze blowing through this tropical island.
I don't just feel the wind on my skin. It invigorates me deep down in my heart and speaks to my soul.
I only wish that there was a way to share this feeling with everyone. Wouldn't that be wonderful?
Perhaps, once all the fighting has come to an end, we can find a way to do just that.
Until then, I will etch the time I've spent here into my memory and redouble my efforts to ensure peace.





오의 발동

Summer at last!夏がきたわね
Time for a swim!泳ぎましょう
A memory to cherish!これも思い出ね
Let's see who wins!競争する?


Let me catch my breath…ちょっと…休憩しましょう…


Thank you for inviting me to the beach. I can't wait to enjoy the sea and sunshine!海へのご招待ありがとう。一緒に楽しみましょう。
Oh! Sorry, I just didn't see you there!きゃっ…! その、素肌に触れられるのは恥ずかしいわ…
I hear some beautiful fish were spotted near shore. Let's go look!きれいな魚がいるんですって。見に行かない?
The sand is so hot! Much hotter than I expected. Oh, my feet...砂がとっても熱くて、びっくりしちゃった。
Phew! There's so much to do here. I think I overdid it...何だか疲れたわ…。ちょっとはしゃぎすぎたかしら。
Oh, I wonder what Sothe would think if he saw me dressed like this.この水着姿、サザに見てほしいようなほしくないような…
My memories of this beautiful place… And the time I spent with you… I will always treasure them.あなたと見たこの景色…。わたし、ずっと忘れないわね。

아군 턴 터치

It's so hot...暑いわね…
Let's have some fun!遊びましょう

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