야망의 봄축제 미셰일/대사


I am Michalis, king of Macedon. What reason could Minerva have to invite me to such a festival?俺はマケドニアの王、ミシェイル。ミネルバよ…この春祭りとやら本当に参加する意義があるのか?

What can I leave for my sisters, not as king but as their brother? Perhaps I will find the answer at this festival.王としてではなく兄として妹たちになにを遺せるのか。この祭りで答えは見つかるのだろうか。
The people of Macedon must desire to welcome the coming of spring as well...暖かな春の訪れ、か。マケドニアの民がもっとも欲しているものだ。
This is the first time I have ever been surrounded by children.
It is more burdensome than being surrounded by soldiers...
Do not misunderstand. I am only taking part in this buffoonery at the request of Minerva and Maria.勘違いしないでもらおう。ミネルバやマリアに請われなければこのような道化じみた格好はしない。
What is this? It does not seem to be a wyvern egg, but what a curious color it has...なんだ、この卵は…?飛竜の卵とは違うようだがなんとも不思議な彩りをしているな。

친구 방문

I have something to deliver to you from [Friend]...
This attire is for the spring festival. Do not inquire any further.

레벨 업

Thought you could attack while my attention was diverted by the festival, did you? Fool!このミシェイルが目を光らせる祭りで狼藉を働くか、愚か者め…!
How absurd to think I would ever let my guard down, even while at a festival.祝祭の場だからと言って俺の気が緩むと思ったか?
It feels as though this garb is dulling my wit...気が削がれる…この装束のせいか…?


If I desire something, I need only take it. However, I am not so tactless as to refuse a festival gift.欲しいものがあれば奪うのみ。だが…祭りの空気を乱すほど俺も無粋ではない。もらっておくぞ。

5성 40레벨 달성

The people of Macedon live in a harsh environment where they must support each other through battle.
But the days of fighting are not meant to continue in perpetuity.
At conflict's end, days of fulfillment and abundance await them. With that hope do we continue the struggle.
How will it feel when those days finally come to pass? The answer may depend on who you ask.
However, this country's festival gives me a glimpse of what Macedon must continue to strive for.
I imagine that my realizing this is why Minerva and Maria must have invited me here. If so...
I must give my utmost devotion to Macedon so I may meet my sisters' expectations for our people.





오의 발동

Rouse yourself, fool.いつまで寝ている
Dreaming, are we?寝ぼけているのか?
No more talk.話にならん
Spring is here!スプリングハズカム!


Springtime fun...浮かれて…など……


I do not understand this fanciful costume. Explain your thinking.…なんなのだ、この珍妙な仮装は。
Hm? You presume you may be so casual with me because of these festivities? You may not.…! 祭りだからとて、無礼が許されると思うな。
Minerva is quite insistent that I join in the festival—for Maria.ミネルバが、マリアのために参加しろとしつこいのでな。
Studying the customs of other cultures can yield valuable insights.異界の風俗を知ることも無駄にはなるまい。
When my sisters were young, I would cavort with them in springtime fields like these...子供の頃は、兄妹で春の野に出て遊んだものだ。
The chance to see my sister so happy is no bad thing.妹の喜ぶ顔を見るもの悪くはない。
And here I had hoped to see you don some inane costume.貴様の間抜けな仮装も見てみたかったものだな。

아군 턴 터치

It shall be so.よかろう
At your command.指示を出せ
No respite.叩き起こす

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