꿈에 스쳐가는 자모 미코토/대사


I am Mikoto, queen of Hoshido. I hastened to follow a familiar voice and found myself in this realm.私は白夜王国の女王、ミコト。懐かしい声に導かれこの地に馳せ参じました。

Azura is such a gentle child. But her insight into others' hearts makes her oversensitive, and she harbors ill will.アクアは本当は優しい子なのです。人の心が敏感にわかるからこそ悪意にも過敏になってしまうのでしょう…
Ryoma, Hinoka, Corrin, Azura, Takumi, and Sakura... Oh, my children.リョウマ…ヒノカ…カムイ…アクア…タクミ…サクラ…ああ、みんな…
Even if we aren't bound by blood... we are still a family. I love all of them so much.たとえ血がつながっていなくても絆はしっかりとつながっています。みんな、私の大切な子なのですから。
While I am with you, please...think of me as your mother. If that's all right with you, [Summoner].[召喚師]…あなたさえ良ければ、ここにいる間だけ…私を母と思ってもらえたら嬉しいです。
So many dream of a world without war. I hope you can realize that dream. I believe in you.争いのない世界、それこそ人々の夢。[召喚師]ならその夢を叶えられるかもしれませんね。

친구 방문

I don't mean to intrude. I am here to check up on you. I was asked to by [Friend].無理はされていませんか?[フレンド]からお体を労りくださいと伝えに参りました。

레벨 업

Never give up and your dreams will come true. I want all of my children to understand that.諦めなければ夢は叶う。子供たちに、そのことを伝えたいのです。
I am grateful.成長できたことに感謝を。
How unfortunate. We all stumble sometimes.…残念です。でも、これもまた私なのでしょう。


No matter how old you get, you will always respond to kindness.誰かに優しくされることは、いくつになってもうれしいものです。

5성 40레벨 달성

Am I dreaming? Or is my existence itself a dream?
I have the sense that I fell before I was able to accomplish everything I had hoped...
But here, I am able to see how all of my children have grown.
It was your power that brought me here, [Summoner]. You and young Azura's voice.
Even if I cannot stay...I am grateful to the both of you. You have shown me the continuation of my dream.
For my part, I can help by tending to you and to Azura.
I can only hope that if I nurture you, you can both move forward.
And as long as this dream continues... I will be right here beside you.





오의 발동

Sweet dreams.おやすみなさい
Dreams offer peace.夢は安らぎ…
Forget your troubles.何もかも忘れて…
Close your eyes, now.さあ、目を閉じて


Will I...dream?眠るのでしょうか…?


It's all right now.もう大丈夫です
Be at ease.楽にしてください
I am Mikoto... However, I'm a bit different from the Mikoto you've heard about.私はミコト…でも、あなたの知るミコトとは違うのかもしれませんね。
Trouble sleeping? Perhaps you'd like me to sing you a lullaby.眠れませんか? それなら、子守歌を歌ってあげましょう。
I am their mother... And it's a mother's duty to protect her children.私はあの子たちの母…あの子たちを守るのが親の務めです
Watching your children grow up and find their independence can fill you with joy... But also with loneliness.我が子が独り立ちするのは、嬉しくもあり…寂しくもあります
Being by your side offers a great deal of refuge. Not only for myself, but for the children as well.あなたがいてくれれば、安心です…あの子たちも、私も…

아군 턴 터치

Good morning.おはようございます
Gently, now.ゆっくりと…
Pleasant dreams?優しい夢を…

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