따듯한 백몽 루피너스/대사


*yawn* I'm Mirabilis. I have some gifts to deliver, but...*yaaawn*...I think I'm going to catch a few winks first.ふあぁ…ルピナスと言いますぅ。冬祭りの贈り物をお届けに…はふぅ…その前にひとねむり…。

A gift for the winter festival? Umm... I could always use a good pillow or three, I guess...冬祭りの贈り物かぁ…わたしは、よく眠れる枕がほしいですぅ。
*yawn* The kids are having so much fun. I hope they'll still remember this day after they've grown up.ふわぁ…美味しそうな料理がいっぱい…子どもたちも楽しそう。素敵な思い出と一緒に、大きくなってくださいねぇ。
My regular outfit isn't warm enough for this weather. Are these fluffy bits supposed to help with the cold?いつもは薄着なのでモコモコの服を着てみたのですけどぉ…それでも寒いものは寒いですぅ。
I've been trying to think of a gift for Peony, but she's the kind who always says she'd be happy with anything...ピアニーへの贈り物はなにがいいんでしょうねぇ?どんなものでも喜んでくれそうですぅ。
I've got a bunch of presents for the kids. This almost feels like handing out dreams.袋の中には、子どもたちへの贈り物が入っているんですよぉ。夢を配っているようなものですねぇ。

친구 방문

*yaaawn* H-huh? Wait, isn't this [Friend]'s castle?
Is there a winter festival going on here as well? How strange...
あれ…[フレンド]さんのお城じゃない? 冬祭りに参加してたはずなんですけど…不思議ですねぇ。

레벨 업

Here you go! Yes, even our foes get presents during the winter festival. Sweet dreams!はい、あなたにも贈り物ですぅ。たとえ敵さんでも悪い人でも、今日はいい夢を見てほしいですねぇ。
Ahhh... I bet I'd have a wonderful dream if I warmed myself up by the fireplace for a while.今日はあったかいお部屋でいい夢を見れそうですねぇ。
It's too hard to doze off in the cold. Somebody find me a blanket...寒いのやですぅ…ぽかぽか陽気が恋しいですぅ。


Oh, I get a present too? Thank you!わたしも贈り物を貰っていいんですかぁ?うれしいですぅ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Hello. I just finished...*yawn*...handing out gifts to everyone. To be honest, it was pretty hard at first.
I was so cold that I could barely even move, and my eyelids felt so heavy... But something strange happened.
As I handed out gifts, I felt warmer and warmer. Before I even realized it, I'd given them all away!
This festival feels like a dream, one where everyone is smiling and able to enjoy each other's company.
If you asked me to describe a daydream...I think this is how I would do it. This moment right here.
I know this season is special, and that it cannot last forever...but I hope we can feel like this all year round!





오의 발동

Yay, festival...冬祭りですよぉ
A gift for you...おくりものですぅ
Are we having fun yet?たのしいですねぇ
Nap time...もうねむいですぅ…


I'll just...rest here...ちょっと…おやすみしますぅ…


*yawn* So sleepy...ねむねむ…
Stay warm...あったかいですよぉ…
It's cold all of a sudden! How long was I out?!ふえっ!? あ、雪がふってきたんですねぇ。つめたいですぅ。
Delivering gifts just sounds...so tiring...贈り物をくばらなきゃいけないんですけどぉ、ねむくてぇ…ふあぁ……
I get why they call it a snowbed. Looks comfy...雪ってやわらかくて、ねむると気持ちよさそうですねぇ……
*yawn* Mother... Father... Isn't the festival nice?くー…おとうさぁん、おかあさぁん、お祭りですよぉ…うふふ……
I don't need any gifts... I'm just glad we're friends.欲しいものはありませぇん…あなたがいればぁ、それで……

아군 턴 터치

Got a plan?どこですかぁ?
So chilly...さむいのやですぅ…

캐릭터 페이지로