이지의 눈동자 미리엘/대사


I am Miriel, of the Shepherds. I do not believe I've been to this world before... How terribly fascinating.私はクロム自警団の一員、ミリエルと申します。見たことのない世界、興味深いですね。

A power to activate gates possessed only by royalty... And a power to summon possessed only by...
I am incredibly fascinated by each and every one of you.
I'm with the Shepherds. They're quite lax when it comes to keeping track of their personal belongings, but...
I believe you would agree with my evaluation that they are quite proficient when it comes to battle.
It appears the burden of our mission has left you quite weary.
If you wish to achieve more efficient battle results, you must remember to take a break now and again.
I have some research to conduct outdoors, but my grasp of Askran geography is lacking.
Would you be interested in assisting me as my guide?
Take care that you do not misplace your divine weapon.
I was admiring the perfect organizational structure of my literature and thought to remind you.

친구 방문

Your acquaintance [Friend] requested I deliver a greeting to you.
That done, I will be on my way.

레벨 업

Never sate yourself with middling returns!現状に甘んじるということはしません。
These results are...generally satisfying.今回の成果には概ね満足です。
Someone must preserve the status quo.現状維持、ということですね…


If my calculations are correct, I can now perform at a higher rate.私の計算が正しければ、今後より一層の活躍が見込めそうです。

5성 40레벨 달성

Ah, it's you. I was so entrenched in my thoughts I didn't notice you approach. Oh, no, you needn't leave.
I would never consider a subject of my fascination to be intruding on my time. Please, stay as long as you like.
Especially since your being here means you won't be summoning any more Heroes...
The arrival of a new Hero always leaves me...vexed. On the one hand, it's another specimen to study.
But on the other, I find it irksome to have your attentions directed toward someone else.
What? That's called jealousy? I see. Then, I suppose I'm jealous.
I will make a note of how troublesome this emotion is.
But surely this emotion must have practical applications as well...
嫉妬? そうですか、これが嫉妬。なかなか厄介な感情だと認識しています。ですが、なぜでしょう…悪くはないですね。




I didn't anticipate this...計算外です…

오의 발동

Your demise is nigh.消えてください
Rebarbative fool.興味が失せました
Begone, foul miscreation!計算通りです
Oh...you're still here?まだいたんですか?


How vexing.屈辱です…


A different world... Fascinating.異なる世界…興味深いです
Make sure your posessions are secured at all times. Please.持ち物の管理はしっかりなさってくださいね
You have a divine weapon and the ability to summon Heroes. May I study you?あなたの神器と召喚の力、ぜひ研究してみたいものです
Is this physical contact intended as an attempt to increase interpersonal familiarity and establish a stronger bond? Fascinating.こうして交流し、親密さを増そうとしているのですか?
Yes, I do find the Order of Heroes a worthy subject for observation.特務機関の皆さんは、良い観察対象です
The universe contains so many fascinating things I have yet to see...世の中にはまだまだ不思議なことが多いのですね…
Since coming here, I have learned of so many more mysteries worth investigating. I have you to thank for this.この世界に来たことで、解き明かしたい謎がまた増えました…あなたには、感謝しています。

아군 턴 터치

Enlighten me.片付けましょう

캐릭터 페이지로