무구한 마음 미스트/대사


Did I make it to the festival? My name is Mist, and I want to let everyone know how much they mean to me.えっと…お祭りの場所って、ここかな?わたし、ミスト。お世話になってるみんなに感謝の想いを伝えたくて。

My brother and Soren don't look like they're enjoying the festival much, do they? Cheer up, you two!お兄ちゃんやセネリオは、お祭りでもずーっとまじめな顔なの。ふふっ、もっと笑顔にならなきゃ!
Father... I've done my best. Ike, too.お父さん…わたし、がんばったよ。お兄ちゃんと一緒にね。
There's something so nice about giving presents to people. I wish this festival would never end...誰かに贈り物をするのってとっても心が温かくなるね。このお祭り、ずっと続けばいいのに…
Huh? Who do I like? I...haven't even thought about that yet!え? す、好きな人?そんなのまだ、わたしには早いよぉ!
I did my best to make sure everyone else was dressed for the festival, so Titania gifted me my dress.お祭りの衣装、みんなの分も頑張って用意してみたの…!わたしのはティアマトさんがくれたんだよ。

친구 방문

Hello there! Do you like my dress? On this Day of Devotion, don't forget [Friend]!こんにちは! どうかな、この衣装?[フレンド]さんから挨拶を預かってきたよ!

레벨 업

I see that someone understands how I feel!わたしの想い、伝わったみたい!
I want to let everyone know my feelings.みんなにもっと感謝の想いを伝えたいな。
Huh? Where is it? Where's the present? Oh no!あ、あれ? プレゼントどこかに置いてきちゃった?


I'll treasure the kindness you've shown me.あなたからもらったこの想い、大切にするね!

5성 40레벨 달성

Love may not be something you can see, but you can feel it. That warms my heart.
And if you want to give it a shape... you can always give the ones you love presents.
Even if you're far away from someone you care about, you can show them you're thinking about them.
Friends really are nice to have, aren't they?
Because you've helped me so much, I thought I could show you how I really feel with a present.
I hope you like it—I chose it just for you. Let's never drift apart, OK?





오의 발동

Here you go!はい、どうぞ
This one's for you!あなたにあげるね
These are my feelings!わたしの気持ち!
I want...that one!…欲しいけど、でも…!


I've lost...負け…ちゃった…


Are you feeling all right?大丈夫?
Are you wounded? Do you need a vulnerary?きずぐすりいる?
What do I want? Oh, it's all right. You don't have to worry about me.わたしが欲しいもの…? え、いいよぉ、気を使わなくて。
A mercenary group has a lot of expenses. That makes shopping for everyone pretty difficult...傭兵団は色々物入りだから、買い物も大変なの。
Oh, this? It was a gift from Titania. It's my most treasured possession!これ、ティアマトさんがくれたんだ…わたしの宝物!
Father... I'll... I'll do everything I can!お父さん…わたし、がんばるからね…!
I'm so glad you're here! I was just thinking about how I want to spend more time with you.来てくれてうれしい。一緒にいたいなって思ってたから…

아군 턴 터치

Sounds good.そうだよね
Which one?どっちにする?
Hmm, tough call...悩んじゃうよ~

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