베른 삼용장 필두 머독/대사


I am Murdock, leader of the Wyvern Generals of Bern. I serve under His Majesty King Zephiel.ベルン三竜将が筆頭、マードック。ゼフィール陛下にお仕えしている。

How might a battle between me and the commander of the Lycian League turn out, I wonder...あのリキア同盟の将軍……一体どのような戦いをするのか。相まみえるのが楽しみだ。
His Majesty Zephiel is the future of Bern. That is why I saved his life.ゼフィール陛下はベルン王国の未来である。そう思えばこそ、お救い申し上げた。
You may place military matters in my hands, Summoner. You are free to take your leave.うろつくな、召喚師。軍務は我らに任せておくがいい。
Do not shrink away from displaying your strength.泣き言は要らぬ、力を示せ。
Swords, lances, bows... No weapon is unfamiliar to me. But I find my axe suits me well.剣、槍、弓……武器には数々あるが。我が手にはこの斧が合う。

친구 방문

Greetings. You must be the one they call [Summoner].貴様が[召喚師]か。よかろう。

레벨 업

I am above defeat.貴様にわしは倒せん。
The military might of Bern is not something to be trifled with.ベルン軍のおそろしさ、思い知らせてくれよう。



5성 40레벨 달성

You are a mystery to me.
I look at you and cannot imagine you have the strength or ability to seize this world.
And yet, I see that your eyes are set steady on the horizon and do not waver from your goal.
I've met few of whom I could say the same. So few in fact, I can count them on my fingers.
I am watching... Do not disappoint me, [Summoner].





오의 발동

Do not disappoint me.失望させるなよ
You will learn your mistake.思い知らせてくれよう
This is the Bern way.ベルンのやり方だ
I look forward to this.楽しみだな


Your Majesty...ゼフィール…陛下…


I am Murdock, leader of the three Wyvern Generals of Bern. I serve under His Majesty, King Zephiel.ベルン三竜将が筆頭、マードック。ゼフィール陛下にお仕えしている。
Hm? I have neither the time nor patience for your games.ん…? あまりふざけた真似はせぬことだ。
The Bern army has no need for a man who cannot handle the consequences of his own actions.自分の捲いた種の始末もできぬ男は、このベルン軍にはいらぬ。
His Majesty, King Zephiel, was almost killed by his father, the previous king. It was I who saved him.ゼフィール陛下は父王に殺されかけた。それをお救いしたのは私だ。
Galle will no doubt become a powerful asset to Bern. Where he comes from is irrelevant.ゲイルはみどころのある男だ。出自など関係ない。
Roy is here, is he? I would like to meet with him. On the battlefield.ロイとかいったか…一度相まみえてみたいものだ。戦場でな。
I look forward to seeing how you fight.貴様がどのような戦い方をするのか…楽しみだな。

아군 턴 터치

I leave it to you.お任せする
The time has come.いよいよだな

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