무구한 용인 미르라/대사


I'm Myrrh, from Darkling Woods. What? It's impolite to ask a woman her age. That's what Ephraim says.
I think you're being rude.

Father... Brother... I miss you.おとうさん…おにいちゃん…あいたいです…
The Darkling Woods, where I was born, are very peaceful. Well, they were...until one day...私の生まれた闇の樹海は深く、静かで、とても穏やかな場所でした。あの日がくるまでは…
Are you doing OK? Oh, no... Don't worry. It's just that you looked so sad to me.[召喚師]さん、大丈夫ですか?いえ…なんだか、とても悲しそうに見えたものですから…
Um... I have a request. Would you mind watching over me while I take a nap? I don't like sleeping alone.あの…お願いがあるんです。一緒に、お昼寝をしてくれませんか?ひとりで眠るのが、少しさみしくて…
I was looking at the sky. It's a pretty kind of blue...
I wonder if it stretches all the way back to the woods I come from.

친구 방문

I'm Myrrh. I come with greetings from [Friend]...
Oh, and hello from me, too.

레벨 업

I've been doing a good job, right? Oh...you don't need to pet me.あの…ほめてもらえますか?頭は…なでなくていいです…
I'll keep on trying.もっと、いっぱいがんばります…
Aww... Did anything even change?うぅん…なにか、変わったでしょうか…


Did this power come from humans...or monsters?この力は、人の?…それとも魔の…

5성 40레벨 달성

You worry about me a lot, don't you? I'm fine. I promise.
People are born every day. They laugh, they cry, and someday...they die. I've seen it so many times...
Dragons...are both human and monster. And so we are also neither, and part of neither community.
That used to make me sad. It doesn't anymore. I think it's better this way.
I will watch over everyone, until the very end... And I will live with their memories.
You work harder than anybody else. I love to see that. I promise that I will always, always remember you.





오의 발동

I am a dragon!私は竜です
For all humanity.人のために
I will protect them.守ります
I won't lose.負けないです


I'm so sorry...ごめんなさい…もう…


My name's Myrrh. I sensed something ominous, so I left home to pursue it.ミルラです。まがまがしい気配を追いかけて、外に出ました…
Hmph. I think it's very rude to try and sneak up on a lady like that.ひゃっ!? …女性をびっくりさせるのは、失礼だと思います。
This stone is very important. I take great care not to lose it.この石は、大事なものです。なくさないようにします。
Sometimes, in war... We must take up arms against nice people... I grieve for them.戦いでは…いい人も、倒さないといけないのですね…
For some reason, when I see you speaking with other people, it makes my chest feel...funny...あなたが他の人といると…なんだか胸が苦しいです。
What is this feeling?もしかして…この気持ちが、恋…?
Can you tell me how I'll know...if I'm in love?教えてください。私は、あなたに恋しているのでしょうか…?

아군 턴 터치

This way?こっちですか?
That way.あっちです

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