수호의 용인 미르라/대사


I'm Myrrh, a dragon from Caer Pelyn. I carry with me the many memories of those I watch over in Magvel.私はミルラ。マギ・ヴァルを見守る竜人…たくさんの思い出と一緒に生きています。

Father would have worked hard to defend everyone too...きっと、おとうさんもみんなのために……
Magvel will persevere, so long as its people pass down tales of Ephraim, Eirika, and the Sacred Stones...マギ・ヴァルはだいじょうぶです。エフラムたちの…聖石の物語を人々が語り継いでいる間は……
It's impolite to ask a woman her age. I think you're being rude.女性に年を聞くのは、失礼なことです……
Sleep allows your body to be reborn anew... Please don't hesitate to rest when you get tired.眠りは命を再生させる力……疲れたら休むべきです。
This stone is very important to me. It reminds me of the memories I've made with so many people...この石は…大事なものです。たくさんの人の思い出とつながっているんです。

친구 방문

I come with greetings from [Friend]...[フレンド]さんのお城から、ごあいさつに来ました。

레벨 업

I will remember all of you.あなたたちのこと、忘れません。
I'm sorry... I'm stronger than I look.ごめんなさい……私、強いのです。
Oh no, my stone is becoming dull...石がくすんで……


Let's continue on this path together.これからも一緒です。

5성 40레벨 달성

I used to not understand why humans always fought each other, bringing demons and dragons into conflict too.
Did they really not wish to live in peace? Then I realized: humans aren't content to be led by destiny.
I saw them muster their courage and use the Sacred Stones to forge a new future in the face of demonic threat.
They shared their strength and grief and kindness with me. I'm proud to call them my friends.
Humans try to do as much as they can with what little time they have. As a dragon, I admire that.
Will you also choose to fight against fate? I will watch over you, no matter your decision.


Here I go!いきます


It hurts...痛いです…

오의 발동

Move, please.どいてください
That won't work.無駄です
I shall fight.戦います
With all my strength...私の力で…


I can't fight anymore...もう…戦えません…


I'm Myrrh. Legendary Hero? What's this all about?ミルラです。伝承の…英雄…? 誰のことですか?
Ah! So you'll tease a Hero, will you? I'm glad I'm still part of the fun.きゃっ…!? 英雄なのに…いたずらはするんですね…
It's a shock to be discussed in this way...a legend? Me?私がそんなふうに言われているなんて、信じられません…
Is Brother here? I would love to see him.おにいちゃんはここにもいるんですか?
I would prefer not to fight, but there's something I must protect.戦いは辛いですけど…守りたいものがあるから…
I'm sure Father is watching over me.おとうさん…きっと見守ってくれています……
I'll always do my best to be helpful to you.あなたの役に立てるなら…私、がんばれると思います…

아군 턴 터치

If you want.そうですか
Um... sure.えっと…
I can do that.いってきます

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