염신 무스펠/대사


Master of flame, lord of one realm of the nine... Múspell I am!かかかっ!九の世の神が一人、炎神ムスペルがワシの名じゃ。

Summoning contract, huh? Then I'm under your command, am I?! Gah-HA! Maybe we are not so different!召喚の契約…?かかっ!ワシの炎の呪によう似とるわ!
Do not ask me of the Kingdom of Múspell. I know nothing of it. Mortals are of no consequence.ムスペル王国…?ワシはよう知らんわ。人間どもの好きにせえ。
That weapon... Let me try it out. Now, now! Don't be stingy! Are we not on the same side?ワレ、その得物おもろいのう。ワシに貸してみい。…ちっ、ケチ臭いのう。
It doesn't matter who they are— everyone sounds the same when they scream for mercy.喧嘩に男も女もあるかい。ワシは平等じゃ。平等にキャン言わしたる。
Mortals make little sense. You live only a moment, and yet you worry over the most meaningless trifles.人間ちゅうのはおもろいのう。あっちゅう間に死ぬくせに、しょうもないことで悩みよる。

친구 방문

You are in the presence of the god of flame!
...Shouldn't you be making an offering to me?

레벨 업

HAH! More!かかかっ!ええのええのう!
Who's next?!次じゃ次!はよ来んかい!
This is the shape of things.ちっ…しょーもな。


An offering? I see you are beginning to understand how to win my favor.ワシに貢ぎもんか?そらええ心がけじゃ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Sit down and listen.
You mortals... You lot have hot blood running through your veins...
But now you use all these blades and armored plates... Pah! What fakery.
Long ago, when the mortals lived uncovered, bare to the elements...
Back then, there was a fire in the bellies of mortals—a fire that could be stoked into a raging flame at my will.
That same fire burns deep within you as well... Let it out! Do as you please! Take what's yours!
If anyone complains, stab them! Let your true nature come forth!




What are you thinking!なにさらす!

오의 발동

Ha! Guts to spill!いてもうたるわ
Too fool to run?ど阿呆がっ
Squeal. Squeal. Squeal!キャン言わしたる
Bow and die, dog.くそぼけぇっ


Hng... Absurd...んな…アホな…


Move, lout.いったらんかい
Or feel my sting.いてこましたれ
Master of flame, lord of one realm of the nine... Múspell I am.九の世の神が一人、炎神ムスペルがわしの名じゃ。
You choose death, do you?なんじゃ? やんのかこら?
Beasts you are, and naked should you all be.われも人間なら、獣らしゅう裸で生きんかい。
The end comes for you, Nifl. Soon.ニフルよう…もうじき、ケリつけたる…
Where's the fight in you?! Let's go already!喧嘩じゃ喧嘩! どつきあいじゃあ!

아군 턴 터치

Fancy that!おもろいのう

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