주정뱅이 신춘 니드호그/대사
Name's Níðhöggr. *hic* Intoxicated? Me? It's New Year's! Who isn't? | ニーズヘッグよ~…ひぃっく!え~? 酔っ払ってるって~?まあまあ、お正月だし大目に見てよぉ。 |
I'm the best-behaved of all of us. I always do what Pops asks. But damn, what'd he say? New Year's...uh... | パパの言いつけを守れるあたしはいい子~。新年の挨拶だってちゃ~んと…あれ? なんだったっけ? |
This New Year's party is nice. Nobody bats an eye if I'm a little tipsy all day long. | お正月っていいわよね~。【癒し手】も【葬り手】も関係なくずーっと酔っ払ってられるし~。 |
Hey, c'mere. Got a present—one of my special fruits. Hey, I'm talkin' to ya, [Summoner]! | [召喚師]~お年玉は用意してないけど特別にこの実をあげちゃう。 |
Hræsvelgr and Heiðrún could stand to let their hair down on New Year's, at least! Couple of stiffs... | フレスベルグもヘイズルーンもお正月くらい堅苦しいこと抜きで酔っ払って過ごせばいいのに~。 |
So this is called a kimono... It's pretty tight, isn't it? That isn't bad, though. Offers some support. | このキモノって装束…窮屈だけどなんだか気分が上がるわよねぇ~。 |
친구 방문
Feel like I was just partying over at a different castle... It was probably... [Friend]'s? | あれぇ~? [フレンド]の城で新年を祝っていたのになんでこんなところにいるのぉ? |
레벨 업
Told ya I was great. So no complaints if I'm a bit, y'know, wobbly! | あたしってすごいでしょ?じゃ、後は好きなだけ酔っぱらっていい? |
Want a bite of my fruit? Feels real good, especially ringin' in the New Year like this. | あんたもこの実、味わってみる?新年から気持ちよく酔えちゃう~。 |
You're too tense. It's the New Year, let bygones be bygones! | そんなにカリカリしないで~、正月くらい気楽にすればぁ? |
A great way to start the year! I'll take a big bite of fruit and kick back. | 新年早々、大盤振る舞いねぇ。気持ちよく酔えちゃう~。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
This Askran New Year's party ain't so bad. I blend right in. I mean, Hræsvelgr told me to shape up, but that's nothing new. The whole thing got me thinking, though. If we don't have peace, we can't celebrate like this. I want to kick back like this next year too. Take a bite out of life! So I guess we're just going to have to do our best this year. Isn't that right, [Summoner]? | アスク王国のお正月っていいもんよねぇ。酔っ払っても誰も文句言わないし~。 あ、フレスベルグはもっとちゃんとしてとかあれこれ言ってたけどさ…。 でも、あたしなりに考えてんのよ~。平和じゃないと、こーんなにイイ感じのお正月もなくなっちゃうしねぇ。 来年も気持ちよ~く酔っ払ってお正月を迎えたいしぃ。 てなわけで、よろしくねぇ~[召喚師]。アスク王国のお正月、頑張って守ろう~! |
- | ほいっ |
- | おぇ~ |
- | きゃあっ! |
- | ちょっとぉ~ |
오의 발동
Happy New Year! | あけおめ~ |
I feel bubbly. | 酔っ払っていいよね~? |
New Year's the best! | 新年ってサイコ~! |
Another please! | もっとちょ~だ~い |
Can't... walk straight... | まっすぐ…歩けないぃ… |
- | えへへ |
Happy New Year! Today we can have as much fun as we want, yeah? | 明けましておめでとぉ~。今日は好きなだけ酔っていいんでしょ~? |
Huh? A snake? Oh! Me! You mean me. *giggle* | え~? 蛇がなに~? あたしのこと~? うぃ~… |
Hræsvelgr is mad at me. New year, same old tedium... | フレスベルグに怒られちゃったぁ。新年早々お堅いんだからぁ… |
The New Year is a special occasion, so here's some fruit for you! | 新年だから特別~。あんたにもこの実あげる~ |
These clothes are so uncomfortable, but I guess I have to wear something... | ちょっと~この服苦しいんだけど~…。脱いでいい~? |
My pops got me a New Year's gift! He makes me so happy. | パパがお年玉だって。へへ、嬉しい… |
Let's keep having fun together this year! | 今年も一緒に、気持ちよくなろ~ねぇ~ |
아군 턴 터치
Got it! | わかった~ |
What now? | どうするの~? |
Whoah... | おっとぉ… |