검은 해풍 네사라/대사


You cast I, Naesala, King of Kilvas, as a dastard pirate? Is this your idea of a joke? I expect reparation for this...このキルヴァス王ネサラが海賊役とは…皮肉のつもりか?もっとも、対価は弾んでもらうがな。

Pirates take as they please. I live my life in much the same way. Only my garb has changed.欲しけりゃ奪う。俺は今までそうやって生きてきたからな。何も変わらないさ。
This look is stylish—and it breathes well too. I'm rather fond of it.なかなか洒落た装束だな。風通しが良さそうなところも俺好みだな。
Not all pirates enjoy looting and pillaging, I'm sure... Some simply do what they must to survive.海賊の全部が全部好き好んで略奪しているわけじゃない。生きるためなら、なんだってやるだろうさ。
Pirate garb would not suit a member of the heron clan. Make sure Leanne knows that she should not imitate me.鷺の民に海賊姿は似合わない。リアーネには真似しないように釘刺しておいてくれよ…。
King Tibarn is here as well, is he? If we encounter one another, I fear it may dredge up old grudges...
That may present a problem.

친구 방문

If you want not to die, place your valuables on the ground and get out of here before I change my mind.
...Only kidding! The pirate festival is on at [Friend]'s keep.

레벨 업

The strong take whatever they want. Pirates aren't the only people who follow that particular code...強い者がすべてを奪う。そいつは海賊だけの掟じゃない。
Well...seems I've won. Hand over all you've got, or you walk the plank! ...Just play along, for the festival.さてと、俺の勝ちみたいだな。有り金は全部渡してもらおうか。…祭りの余興だ、本気にするなよ。
Guh... Feels like the winds have changed.チッ、今回は空振りか…。


This is no bauble... Seems as if the treasure has found me for once!こいつは値打ちものだ…いいお宝に巡り会えたみたいだな!

5성 40레벨 달성

The strong take from the weak. It's been that way forever. It's an immutable fact of life.
That is why the raven tribe went from being the taken-from to being the takers—to survive.
I'll leave the moral debate for future philosophers to argue over. What is important is the side you choose.
One needs to be prepared to be taken from if one is to become a taker. Are you...prepared for that?
...Heh. Only kidding. I wouldn't think of taking anything from you, of course.
I'm simply having a peck of festival fun. You can trust me.





오의 발동

If you don't mind!もらっていくぜ
No use hiding!隠しても無駄だ
Where's the treasure?お宝はどこだ?
Just your luck.これも運命さ


What a mess...おっと…しくじったな…


Sure, a pirate festival may be a delight for the senses, but...is it in good taste?海賊の祭りってのも、趣味がいいんだが悪いんだか…
Hm! You should pick your fights more carefully.おっ、何だ? 喧嘩を売るには相手が悪いぜ。
Of course this suits me. I was already halfway there.似合うだと? そりゃあな。半分本物みたいなもんだ。
Sure, put a pile of treasure in front of me and I'll be whatever you want—a pirate, a bandit... You say the word!金さえ積まれれば何でもやるぜ。海賊だろうが山賊だろうがな。
Everyone here seems so carefree... Is this what peace looks like?どいつもこいつも呑気に楽しみやがって…平和なもんだな。
Leanne saw me and said she wants to dress up too, but... I don't know if this is her style...リアーネがこの格好を見て真似をしたいと言ってんだが…
Tell me what you need—anything—and I'll snatch it up! ...Well, for a price.あんたの為なら何でも奪ってきてやるぜ。まあ、高くはつくがな。

아군 턴 터치

I hear you.わかったよ
Chart the course.獲物はどこだ?

캐릭터 페이지로