어둠에서 춤추는 날개 네사라/대사


I am Naesala, King of Kilvas. I will lend you my talents...so long as I am properly compensated, of course.俺はキルヴァス王ネサラ。俺の力を借りたいんなら、相応の対価を用意してもらうぜ。

Money talks. Without it, people die. Still...try not to lose your head over it. There are more important things.いいか、世の中所詮は金だ。先立つものがなけりゃ、皆飢えて死ぬ。…もっとも、それが全てじゃあないがな。
Promises are precious, but think carefully before you agree to one. It may come back to bite you.契約、約束事ってのは大事なもんだが、よくよく考えて行うことだ。でないと、後々まで祟るからな…
You're a diligent one. I hope you're not so hard at work that you forget to take a break occasionally.よぉ、ご苦労さん。あんたも無駄に気張ってないでたまにはゆっくり休みな。
Flightless creatures... I never know quite what to say. Do you need a lift somewhere? No? All right, then.しかし、翼がないってのは不便そうだな。あんたを抱えて飛べるかって?そりゃ御免こうむるぜ。
What would you say this country is best known for? I'd like to bring gifts home to Nealuchi and Leanne.…おい、この国の名物は何だ?なに、ニアルチやリアーネに異界の土産をと思ってな。

친구 방문

I am Naesala, King of Kilvas. I was asked by [Friend] to bring greetings, so...here I am.俺はキルヴァス王ネサラ。[フレンド]からの挨拶だぜ。ほら、受け取りな。

레벨 업

I will survive, no matter what. By these black wings, I swear it.どんな手を使っても、俺は勝ち残る…この黒翼に誓ってな。
Good enough to keep up appearances, I suppose.この程度はやれないと信用にかかわるってもんだ。
Blast... How could I be so careless?チッ、俺としたことが…


A generous employer, aren't you? We'll get along just fine.気前のいい雇い主は大歓迎だ。あんたとは良い付き合いができそうだぜ。

5성 40레벨 달성

You seem to take your work quite seriously. What leverage must these people have over you, I wonder...
Oh, relax. It was only a little joke. As for my reason to fight? Simple. Kilvas desperately requires funds.
In my country, mercenary work is the best—and sometimes only—way to keep the people fed.
Selling one's services to the highest bidder may be unsavory, but worrying about your reputation is for the rich.
The people of Kilvas depend on me. That is why I fight. You'll continue to keep me well-supplied, won't you?





오의 발동

Don't judge me too harshly.悪く思うなよ
I suppose I'll just have to kill you.死んでくれ
You're just unlucky.運がなかったな
I've no more use for you.もう用はない


Poor judgment abounds...詰めが甘いな…俺も…


I am Naesala, king of Kilvas. But I am so much more than just the king of a poor island nation...キルヴァス王ネサラだ。島国の王で収まる気はないぜ。
Hm? Whatever are you thinking? I don't come cheap, I'll have you know.ん? なんだよ、言っとくが俺は高いぜ。
What do a few human lives matter to me? They're none of my concern.ニンゲンが何人死のうが、俺には関係ないさ。
Black wings—among humans these are considered bad omens, are they not?この黒い翼は…ニンゲンたちの間では凶兆を意味するらしいな。
For receiving my own royal assistance, let's see...double, no triple rates.国王みずから動くんだ。通常の倍…いや、3倍はもらいたいね。
One of the good guys? Me? Your sense of humor is...well, let's just call it "unique."俺が良い奴だって? はン! つまんねー冗談だ。
Certainly, I'll assist you. But you'll owe me, of course...あんたを助けてやるぜ。俺の望む報酬をくれるんならね。

아군 턴 터치

That one? Really?…どうするか、ねぇ。
Cheer me on.弾んでくれよ?

캐릭터 페이지로