하타리의 열풍 니케/대사


I, Nailah, ruler of the desert kingdom Hatari, look forward to seeing the Askr people enjoy my land's festival.砂漠の王国ハタリを治める女王、ニケ。我が国に伝わる武の祭りをこのアスクの地で催すのも一興。

Traditional Hatari festival garb instills courage in the wearer, and paints the battlefield in a storm of glorious color.この装束は、ハタリの祭りで身にまとうもの。着る者に勇気を与え戦いを華やかに彩ってくれるのだ。
Hatari culture thrives in part due to our long isolation from the rest of Tellius.ハタリは永い間、外界と隔絶され栄えた地。テリウス大陸の中でも独特の文化が育っているのだ。
I can best any competitor with my strength alone. I need not rely only upon the power of the evil eye.邪眼の力など使わずともこの腕一本あればどんな戦いでも勝ち抜いてみせよう。
Ike and his group have no interest in participating? Odd that they pass up an opportunity to test their skills.アイクたちは祭りに来ていないのか?腕試しにはもってこい…あいつらにこそうってつけの祭りだと思うのだがな。
We ask only this of our competitors... Believe in your strength. Fight until you have nothing left to give!祭りの作法は実に単純だ。己の腕と勇気を信じ、精魂尽きるまで戦い抜いて見せよ!

친구 방문

You are hereby invited to the Hatari festival by your good friend [Friend].[フレンド]の盟友[召喚師]だな?ハタリの祭り、是非とも参加するがいい!

레벨 업

The savage strikes of the wolf queen will rattle your very bones!狼女王の一撃、その身に響いたか!
Do not hold back on account of this being a festival. Bare your fangs!どうした、遠慮はいらぬぞ。せっかくの祭りだ。もっと猛るがよい。
If this is not enough to lift our spirits, then I shall double my efforts!まだまだ盛り上がりが足りぬか。いいだろう、余興は終わりだ!


Give yourself over to the festival! Let its frenzied atmosphere nourish your soul!祭りの熱狂が私に力をくれるのだ!皆も楽しんでいくがよい!

5성 40레벨 달성

The desert can be cruel. Everything seems built to kill you. Still, such adversity can be unifying.
When you fight only to survive... race, creed, and upbringing stop having much meaning.
Strong are ties forged in adversity. It is for this reason that our festival is focused so heavily on combat.
When you bare your fangs, others see that you are willing and ready to defend what matters most to you.
Have you taken the opportunity to find a battle sister or brother during the festival, [Summoner]?
Let the festival's excitement awaken your primal rage. Only then can you learn the true limits of your strength!





오의 발동

Welcome to Hatari.もてなしてやろう
To the wolves.これがハタリだ
Having fun?楽しむといい


How unbecoming...無様な…ところを…


I am Nailah, Queen of Hatari. Welcome to my desert.わたしはハタリの女王ニケ。歓迎しよう。
You are in my domain. I'd advise you to tread lightly.!? …いくら無礼講とはいえ、少々過ぎるぞ。
Fighting to fight is a waste. This festival gives fighting a purpose.無駄な争いは好まんが…祭りならば、戦いがなくてはな。
My festival garb is much more comfortable than my formal attire.これは祭りの衣装だ。動きやすくて気に入っている。
Don't mind my companion. Rafiel is only here to spectate.ラフィエル? 我が夫は、さすがにこの祭りは見学だ。
It's important to make time for a celebration every now and then.たまには祭りもよいものだな
What do you think of the festival? Give me an outsider's perspective.どうだ、我らの祭りは気に入ったか?

아군 턴 터치

As you say.承知
Where to?どこだ?
We'll meet them head-on.出迎えよう

캐릭터 페이지로