성제의 왕녀 난나/대사


I am Nanna. I'm taking part in this festival as a descendant of one of the 12 crusaders—the black knight Hoðr.私はナンナ。十二聖戦士の一人、黒騎士ヘズルの血を継ぐ者として、聖祭に参加致します。

Behold—I am the black knight Hoðr, wielder of the demon sword! Or at least I can pretend to be...いまの私は魔剣を振るう黒騎士ヘズル……のようにはいきませんけれど…
It seems that, no matter the world, the title of "black knight" is a symbol of tremendous strength!黒騎士という存在はどの世界でも強者の称号なのですね……!
Lord Leif and Lord Seliph... Where are those two headed?リーフ様とセリス様は…おふたりでどちらへ出かけたのでしょう?
As a member of House Nordion, I must familiarize myself with the etiquette of the Askran kingdom.ノディオン王家の者として、アスク王国の礼儀作法は一通り身につけたつもりです。
This festival is a way to remember the legend of the 12 crusaders' arrival, and how they saved Jugdral.この祭りは、ユグドラル十二聖戦士の降臨と救世の伝承を称える祭事なのです。

친구 방문

I've arrived with greetings, and to wish a you a lifetime of friendship with [Friend].[フレンド]さんからのご挨拶を預かってきました。今後ともよろしくとのことです。

레벨 업

"With the demon sword Mystletainn in hand, I will slay the darkness!"
Hehe, that's one of my lines for the play we'll perform at the festival.
I feel good about this.良い感じです。
How embarrassing... I must focus!お恥ずかしいです……気を引き締めないと!


Wow, thank you so much! I'll make sure to live up to your expectations.私、嬉しいです。活躍を期待してくださいね。

5성 40레벨 달성

My ancestor was one of the 12 crusaders... Hoðr the black knight.
The black knight... With a title like that, it's easy to think of him as a fearsome warrior...ominous, even.
However, Hoðr was one of the 12— the light that fought and drove away the darkness.
I suspect that his duty to help people was more important to him than any impressions they had of him.
I must etch his ideals onto my heart and follow his example by supporting everyone as best I can.





오의 발동

Power of Hoðr...ヘズルの力よ…
We must not give in!負けはしません
I want to help.お助けします
Together as one...あなたと共に…


It's in your hands...申し訳ありません…


Are you hurt?大丈夫ですか?
I have your back!お守りします!
This staff appears to have been modeled after Mystletainn...この杖は、ミストルティンを模して作られたのだとか…
Have you seen Lord Leif? I hope to show him my outfit...リーフ様はどちらですか? ぜひこの衣装を見ていただきたくて…
I am a descendant of Hoðr, the black knight of the 12 crusaders.私は十二聖戦士の一人、黒騎士ヘズルの血をひいています。
My mother would enjoy this festival too, were she here with us...お母様も…このお祭りをきっと楽しまれたんでしょうね…
I would be honored to accompany you for the festival.あなたをこの祭りに招待できることを光栄に思います。

아군 턴 터치

I am ready.承知しました
Oh! ...This way?こちらですか?
Let's get going then.さあ行きましょう

캐릭터 페이지로