삼용장 나셴/대사


I am Narcian—a Wyvern General of Bern. Do you wish to kneel before me? Or tremble in fear? Your choice.我が名はナーシェン。ベルン三竜将が一人さ!さあ、恐れ慄き跪くがいい!

What a splendid castle. Strong. Stylish. Why, it's almost my equal in fortitude and magnificence!なかなか良い城だね。強く、美しい…まるでこの私のようにね。
To get to the top, one need only be willing to claw...and claw...and glorious etcetera!上に登りつめるためなら…クックック…ああ、なんでもやってやるさ…!
I've noticed how dutifully you patrol this place on my behalf.
Your devotion to me, Narcian, makes you greater than every other flea I see hopping before me!
Grraaah! Bwaah!
Everyone else around here makes me, Narcian, so SPITTING mad! They refuse to bow down!
I, Narcian, have a weakness. If I pass a mirror in battle, I'm so smitten with my prowess that I cease battling.
So keep those mirrors OFF the battlefield!
…… はっ、失敬。訓練をしていたら、自分の技の見事さに思わず見惚れてしまったよ。

친구 방문

Well, well, well—you must be [Summoner].
The pleasure is entirely yours.

레벨 업

Behold the grandeur of me, Narcian!あははっ!これが私の実力さぁ!!
Another clawful of excellence on my way to the top!クックック…当然さ…このナーシェン様ならね。
Turn away! Don't look upon it! Who did this to Narcian?くっ…そんなバカな!なにかの間違いだ!


It's only natural that you'd want to pay tribute to me, Narcian.フン、ようやく私の力を認める気になったかい…?

5성 40레벨 달성

I, Narcian, have a bone to pick with you! I heard that you said I am completely full of myself!
Did you mean it as an insult? Because it's not! I am full of nothing BUT me!
How else would I have clawed my way to the top? Confidence is king, and I would be emperor!
Hmpf. You might be the first one to ever stand there and say such a thing to my face.
I'll make you regret that you picked a fight with me, Narcian! One day I'll make you kneel.
Then I'll pet your head like a little kitty—and keep you at my side forever! Ha ha ha ha!




You... You...おのれ…

오의 발동

Ha ha ha ha!クックック
You will learn your place!思い知らせてやる…
Yield? Never!許せんっ!
Grovel, worm!這いつくばれぇ!


By you—?!きさまらごときにぃっ!


What business have you with me?クックック…私に用かい?
Captivated by my style and grace? Well, of course you are.私の美しさに魅入られたようだね
My talents are legion. My abilities, unparalleled.私の有能さは疑いようがない…
What glorious hair I have!我ながら完璧な髪型だ…
I am strong... I am clever...私は強い…私は賢い…
I am handsome... I am righteous... And more than anyone else. Anywhere!私は美しい…私は正しい…誰よりも…誰よりもだっ!
My philosophy of life...? Ah, simple. The weak must obey the powerful.強い者に従うのが、私の美学さ

아군 턴 터치

Very well?わかったよ
Watch this.見せつけてやろう

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