홍색의 닌자 나발/대사
I'm Navarre. Apparently ninja can be ordered to fight anyone, but I'm not so blindly loyal as to attack women. | ナバールだ…忍とやらは命令なら女子供も斬るらしいが…俺に忠誠など期待するな。 |
I can move rather easily in this outfit. Its versatility is convenient. | この装束はなかなかに動きやすい。気に入った… |
No matter the part I play, my vows still hold true: I shall never wield a blade against a woman. | 忍とやらの真似事をしていようが…俺は女を斬る剣は持たぬ。 |
...If we have no business to discuss, then leave me alone. | …用がないなら一人にさせろ。 |
A ninja must serve a master... So that means I'm now beholden to [Summoner]? | 忍者はあるじのために動く、か…今の俺のあるじは、[召喚師]か…? |
So, a ninja must work exclusively in the shadows to complete missions... | 忍とは、命令を果たすために人を外れた者…か。 |
친구 방문
My business will be short. I'm only here to deliver a personal message from [Friend]. | [フレンド]から親書を預かってきた。目を通せ… |
레벨 업
Moving on to the next mission. | 次の任務に向かう。 |
It's settled. | 始末した。 |
Was my presence detected? | 気配を読まれたか? |
So this is what a ninja's power looks like... Not bad. | これも忍者の力か…悪くない。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
Throughout my life, I've worked as a mercenary, a swordsman, and taken on various other jobs. Were the employers immoral? Was the work dirty? Those details never affected me. I thought working as a ninja would be no different. A job is a job. However, something preoccupied my interest... The similarities between the path of the sword and the way of the ninja are apparent once you study both. Although this is just a festival, I'm fortunate to have discovered this connection. I thank you... | 俺は今まで、傭兵として…剣士として、さまざまな仕事を請け負ってきた。 雇い主が悪人だろうと…どんな汚れ仕事だろうと…興味はない。 忍とやらの真似事も…どうでもいいことだった。だが… 面白い。剣と忍…その道は、奥深いところで繋がっているようだ。 祭りの余興とはいえ、その事実に気づけたのは僥倖。礼を言っておこう… |
たあっ | |
立ち去れ |
ぐっ… | |
小癪な… |
오의 발동
No business with you. | お前らに用はない |
Not your lucky day. | 不運だったな |
Submit to fate. | 成敗! |
As I am ordered. | これも主命だ |
Not here... | こんなところで… |
ふう | |
I am Navarre. These clothes are for the festival. | 俺はナバール。これは祭りの仮装だ。 |
Back off unless you have a death wish. | !? 貴様…死にたいのか? |
Ninja excel at assassination and intelligence gathering. I wouldn't want to make enemies of them. | 忍者は暗殺と諜報に長けているという。敵に回すと手強そうだ。 |
There are female ninja, yes. But I shall not raise my blade against them. | 女の忍びもいるのか? 俺は女は斬らぬ。 |
Sword or not, if it has a blade, I will master it. | 剣以外の得物であろうと使いこなしてみせよう。 |
Perhaps someday I'll be able to let my guard down and enjoy a festival like this... | このような祭りに興じる日が来るとは…わからないものだな。 |
If you require my aid, then I will fight for you. | 俺が必要だというのなら仕方がない。 |
아군 턴 터치
Just say the word. | 承知した |
Do you have a plan? | どうしたものか… |
Let's settle this. | 始末する |