성심의 신부 엘/대사


I am Nel. Why am I in a wedding gown? It is absurd to think I would desire this after what I have survived.私はエル。どうして花嫁衣装など…滅びを生きた私に、このような願望があるはずないでしょう。

I stand here dressed this way, holding flowers from a special garden, aching for someone I can never see again...滑稽ですね、私は。あの庭園の花を持って、こんな姿で…もう会えない人を思っているなど。
My world was bound for destruction. Would people still have sworn vows to one another if they had known?私の世界は滅びの運命にありました。民たちは…そんな中でも、明日死ぬとしても、婚礼を交わしたのでしょうか。
I hear marriage is an oath one swears to uphold until death. Does this mean no vow reaches those we have lost?結婚は、死が二人を分かつまでの契りと聞きました。どんな絆も誓いも…約束も、死んでしまった相手には届かないのですね。
I have no interest in weddings, but I would like to see my brother host one. Hm... That would be precious.婚礼の儀にあまり興味はありませんが、弟が式を挙げるのは…見たいですね。ふふ、姉というのは身勝手なものです。
A legend says if a bride has an old thing, a new thing, a borrowed thing, and a blue thing, they will be happy.何か新しいもの、古いもの、青いもの、そして借りてきたもの。四つを身に着けると花嫁が幸せになれる伝承があるそうですよ。

친구 방문

I did not mistake this for a wedding venue. I came to deliver a greeting from [Friend].式場と間違えたわけではありません。[フレンド]からの挨拶を態々届けに来て差し上げたのですよ。

레벨 업

I am very happy with how strong I have become.とても幸せですよ。こんなに強くなれたのですから。
I feel you should applaud my efforts for doing this well in these restrictive garments.動きにくい衣装にしては、頑張ったと思って欲しいですね。
I suppose I should vow to be more successful next time.次こそは…と誓うべきでしょうか。


Did you wish for my happiness? Then I offer you my gratitude.私の幸せを願ってくれたのですか?ならば、お礼を言っておきましょう。

5성 40레벨 달성

Is it true you can summon even those who have fallen in their worlds? And from worlds long since extinguished?
If so, that means you might one day summon the Divine Dragon who fell in the world I come from.
Should that happen, I beg of you, allow me one meeting.
A promise was given that we would be together again, and I could finally say what I never could before.
But, no. I will not say it, after all. My heart was crushed back then. Please forget everything I just said.
I am happy enough with you and the many comrades I have here now... alive with me.





오의 발동

I vow a thousand years.千年の契りを
You will be happy.幸せにします
Love does not perish.愛は滅びません
Bridal engage!ブライダルエンゲージ!


We tie no knot today.結ばれないの…ですね……


I look forward to celebrating victory in battle with you, not my wedding day.結婚式を挙げるよりも、戦果を挙げたいのですが。
Stop tugging at my dress, or you will soon find yourself dealing with a dragon.ドレスをつんつんするのはやめなさい、ここで竜になりますよ。
Even as a Fell Dragon I understand the happiness of being joined together with the person you love.邪竜たる私でも、好きな人と結ばれるのが幸せだということは、理解できます。
I would like to see the expressions on the faces of Rafal and the Four Winds if I were to really become a bride.私が本当の花嫁になった時、ラファールや四翼はどんな顔をするでしょうか。
These windflowers... I remember them blooming in a garden I can never return to. They bring back memories of someone precious to me.このアネモネは…もう戻れない庭園に咲いていた、大切な人との思い出です。
My Divine One... I truly wish you could have seen me wearing this.神竜様…あなたにも、この姿を見せたかった……
Since I come here dressed in bridal attire, I suppose I have no choice. I pledge to make you happy...by slaying your enemies, that is.花嫁姿で来てしまったからには、仕方がありません。あなたを幸せにすると誓いましょう。無論、戦場での話ですよ。

아군 턴 터치

For happiness.幸せですよ
Feeling anxious?緊張してます?
It shall be.誓います

캐릭터 페이지로