소박한 무용수 네페니/대사


I'm, uh... I'm Nephenee. Just a gal born and bred in Crimea's countryside. I'll dance my heart out.ネフェニーと…いいます。クリミアの田舎育ちですがせ、精一杯、踊りを…

I learned to dance at my village... Nothin' like how these castle-breds do it.あたしの踊りは…村の祭りで覚えたやつじゃ。都会の踊りはようわからん…
Hey, uh... I'm practicin' my routine, here. Could you... could you not stare?これは、踊りの…練習…あ、あの…あんまりじろじろ見られると…
Dancin' is a good way to get your feelings across—without ever havin' to speak.踊りは、しゃべらんでも、相手に想いを伝えられる…
Brom had such a time dancin' the night away with everybody at my village's festivals.村祭り、チャップさんもみんなも楽しそうに踊っとったなあ…
So... This ball's a chance to get all gussied up, is it? Glitterin' like a jewel...きらきらして、宝石みたいな…あれが、舞踏会…

친구 방문

Howdy! Uh, I mean... Greetings! I'm here for [Friend]. And... That's that.こ、こんにちは…[フレンド]さんのところから、挨拶を…そ、それでは…

레벨 업

Well, this is fine as fine can be.これなら…!
These butterflies won't leave my stomach be... C'mon legs, get movin'!き、緊張して…足が…


You're a rare duck! Oh, uh... thanks. That's what I meant!か、感謝します!

5성 40레벨 달성

This brings back memories. The festivals in my village sure were somethin'. We danced and danced.
The young, the old...we all got in a circle, everybody dancin' and laughin'.
We broke our backs in the fields day after day... But come festival time, we danced even harder than we worked.
That's the way to live.
That ain't possible when war is in the air.
We gotta get rid of it—make the world a place where there ain't nothin' to fight over.
Well, enough tough talk. Gotta focus on my dancin'! Ready to teach me, [Summoner]?





오의 발동

Let's dance!楽しいなあ
Move to the beat.リズムに乗って…
Impressed, are ya?上手じゃろ?
A fine tune.素敵な曲じゃな


Need...more practice...もっと…練習せにゃあ…


I-is this right?こ、これでええ?
Hopin' this helps...あの…がんばって…
I never worn nothin' like this before. Not so easy to breath in, to tell the truth...…こんな服着るの初めてで、ちょっとふうが悪いんじゃ。
Dancing ain't nothin' to scoff at. I used to dance all the time back home...踊るのは、嫌いじゃないんよ。村ではよう踊っとったし…
Days like this, when everyone's havin' fun, are the best there is!みんな楽しそうで、こんな日もええなあ。
If only everyone back home could see me now...!村のみんなにも、あたしの踊り見てほしいなあ…
I bet you know a thing or two about dancing... Mind teaching me?あんた、踊るの上手うてけなりーわ…教えてくれん?

아군 턴 터치

Right on time.わかった
A one, and...うーんと…
Step by step.踊ろー

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