인간 아이들과의 여름 네르투스/대사


I am the goddess of the land, Nerþuz. Ah, behold how the cute children of Midgard gather by the summer ocean.私は大地を司る女神ネルトゥス。真夏の海…ふふっ。かわいい人の子たちがいっぱいね。

The ocean is my brother Njörðr's domain. Given how poorly we got along, I had no love for those waters.兄のニョルズは海を統べる神。私とニョルズは相性が悪いから海は苦手だったのよ。
As a goddess, I preside over the land, but perhaps there is value in time spent near the ocean now and then.私は大地を司る女神だけど…たまにはこうして海と親しむのも悪くはないわね。
The sun's rays are strong today. You must not forget to drink plenty of water, [Summoner].[召喚師]今日はとても日差しが強いわね。水を飲むのを忘れてはダメよ。
So this is a frozen treat? The foods children of Midgard make are always so cute.これが氷菓子…人の子たちが生み出す食べ物はとってもかわいいものばかり。
I am pretending to be like a child of Midgard in this summer garb. What do you think? Does it suit me?人の子たちを真似て水着を用意してみたの。ふふっ…似合っているかしら?

친구 방문

You're the one then. I've heard of you. Shall I give you a hug in [Friend]'s stead?あなたが[召喚師]ね。[フレンド]の代わりに抱きしめてあげようかしら?

레벨 업

The adorable children of Midgard are watching. Can you really blame me for being excited?人の子たちが見ているのよ。張り切っちゃうのも無理はないでしょ?
I am not one to be bothered by a wave of this size.この程度の波にひるむ私じゃないわよ。
Perhaps I do not get along so well with the ocean after all...やっぱり海とは相性が悪いみたいね…。


I appreciate the warm summer sun as a necessary element for the growing of bountiful crops.夏の日差しは嫌いじゃないの。豊かな実りに必要なものなのよ。

5성 40레벨 달성

It seems I've grown fond of the ocean here, [Summoner].
Or perhaps it is spending time with children of Midgard by the ocean that I have grown so fond of.
The happiness in their smiles as they play in the waves, bathe in the sun's rays, or partake of a cool drink.
I get the utmost satisfaction and joy just from watching them. My heart is overflowing with it.
They may lack the power of a god, but that is what compels me to want to protect and support them.
Hehe. Ahh, you dear children of Midgard are truly the most precious creatures.





오의 발동

Well, well...さあいらっしゃい
Your back's to the sea!どこを見てるの?
Aw, come here!水着がきついわ…
Find some shade.眩しい日差しね


Just a short break...休憩させてね…


Oh, the joys of the sea... We'll make this a lovely summer yet.きれいな海…! 素敵な夏にしましょうね。
Gah! Sea spray everywhere!きゃっ…! 波しぶきがかかってしまったわ。
With the Njörðr being the god of the sea, I usually keep my distance.海はニョルズと関係があるから、普段は近づかないの。
Oh! Refreshments? You are too kind.まあ、冷たい飲み物? ありがとう。優しいのね。
Drifting away from the land makes me uneasy. Can you keep close?大地から離れるのは少し不安なの。手を繋いでいてくれる?
There's an undeniable beauty to the sun setting on the sea...海に沈む夕日の美しさは認めざるを得ないわね…
That sunburn is adorable. I just want to hug you...あなた、日焼けしちゃってとってもかわいいわ。抱きしめてもいい?

아군 턴 터치

And so it is.そうね
To the waves!泳ぎましょ

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