이상향을 저버린 자 네르갈/대사
I am Nergal. And this is Askr, hm? Its cracks and crevices are filled with fine quintessence, just waiting for me. | 私の名はネルガル…くっくっくっ…ここがアスク王国か…良質な【エーギル】が大量に手に入りそうだな。 |
Ah... I sense an abundance of fine quintessence within you, a mark of human willpower. | 【エーギル】は人間が持つ意思の力生きようとする力そのものだ。お前からは、よい【エーギル】を感じるぞ。 |
A war in Lycia would have generated a glorious amount of quintessence in one blow. That is my desire. | リキア全土を戦いに巻き込み一度に大量の【エーギル】を手にいれる。それが私の狙いよ…。 |
Friendship is a trivial pursuit, a waste of life. Do not be such a fool as to sacrifice yourself for it. | 命の使いどころを間違えるなよ。くだらぬ友情のために命を捨てるなど愚か者がやることよ。 |
Flesh that cannot endure the tremendous power I grant will be corrupted before tomorrow. | お前にも絶大な力を授けてやろう。ただし…力に耐えきれない肉体は明日を待たずに腐り果てるがな…。 |
My beloved morphs are beauteous works of art... Necessary in the pursuit of my life's dream. | 【モルフ】は私が創り上げた芸術品…私の理想を形にするための存在なのだ。 |
친구 방문
I have my eye on a fine sacrifice, one who possesses a strong spirit... Yes... [Friend]. | [フレンド]は強い精神の持ち主…いい生け贄になってくれそうだ。 |
레벨 업
Be prepared. You are to be witness to a power that overwhelms all! | 知るがいい。すべてを圧する真の力というものを! |
I shall exterminate these insolent rats. | 消えうせよ。小賢しいネズミどもめ。 |
Hm... Do not think for one second I can be impeded by such trivialities. | ふん。この程度の出来事問題ではない。 |
Hwah ha ha ha... Excellent! With this power, I shall rule over fate itself. | ハハハハ! いいぞ!この力があれば運命すら従えることができよう! |
5성 40레벨 달성
Why did I yield to your summon, [Summoner]? I shall tell you why... I desire the quintessence from this place, a place where worlds converge. Imagine the essence that dwells within Heroes from other worlds. It shall be mine in due time. The Order of Heroes will make a splendid army of morphs, yes? And you... Not to fret... Your quintessence shall be of great use. I assure you that. Hwah ha ha! | [召喚師]よ私が貴様ごときの召喚に応じた理由を教えてやろう。 理由はただひとつ…さまざまな異界に通じるこの地で良質な【エーギル】を集めることだ。 エレブ大陸の英雄のみならず異界で名を残した英雄たち…その【エーギル】は実にすばらしい。 ヴァイス・ブレイヴに与する英雄たちの【エーギル】を奪えればモルフの大軍団を創り出せよう。 [召喚師]…お前の【エーギル】も有効に使ってやろう。くっくっくっ…! |
- | はっ |
- | せえいっ |
- | くっ… |
- | おのれ…! |
오의 발동
Such foolishness... | 愚かな… |
Disperse. | くずれ散れ |
Won't you die? | 死にぞこないめ |
Hwah ha ha ha ha ha! | はーっはははは!!! |
Why must I lose? | なぜ私が…敗れる…? |
*chuckle* | くっくっく… |
I am Nergal. You may choose to obey me, or... | 私はネルガル。選ぶがいい。私に従うか、それとも… |
Foolish to think you could lay a hand on me. What hubris. | 愚かな…。私に触れるなど思い上がりも甚だしいわ。 |
My beloved morphs, my beauteous works of art... | 可愛い【モルフ】、私の芸術品たちよ… |
Death feeds me. Death pleases me. I am the essence I consume. | 他人の死は、私の喜び。私が得る【エーギル】の糧だ。 |
I was a fool to believe you were truly my friend, Athos... | お前を唯一の友と信じた私が愚かだったよ、アトス… |
I left something behind. Something valuable... | 何か大切なものを…残してきたような… |
Your weakness runs deep. I will never comprehend one such as you. | お前のような弱き者に私は理解できんだろうさ。 |
아군 턴 터치
A foolish plan. | 愚策だな |
Hmph... | ふん… |
I need quintessence... | 【エーギル】を… |