달라붙는 신년 네르투스/대사


Happy New Year. I am Nerþuz, goddess of Vanaheimr, realm of light. I am here to celebrate the new year.あけましておめでとう。私は光の国ヴァナの女神、ネルトゥス。新しい年の幕開けを祝いに来たわ。

I cannot help but be moved by the sentiment of the traditions created by the children of Midgard...人の子たちが積み上げて来た伝統…そこに込められた想いの数々に私は感動すら覚えるの。
Vanaheimr has no New Year's tradition. The lives we gods live are not so easily divided.光の国ヴァナには、新年を祝う習わしはないのよ。私たち神々は永き時を生き、時間を区切らないから。
The young Heroes were all so happy to receive their New Year's gifts... I may even try giving some to adults.幼くてかわいい英雄にお年玉をあげたらすごく喜んじゃって…ふふ。かわいい大人にも配っちゃおうかしら。
Children of Midgard have a limited lifespan. I imagine that is why they cherish each new year.人の子たちは限られた時を生きる。だからこそ、新たな年の到来を祝い一年一年を大切に生きるのね。
I do quite like this kimono. Many of the children of Midgard have said it looks nice on me as well!このキモノ、とっても気に入ったわ。かわいい人の子たちも褒めてくれたのよ、とっても似合っているって…!

친구 방문

I am Nerþuz, goddess of Vanaheimr. I am here with New Year's greetings from [Friend].光の国ヴァナの女神、ネルトゥスよ。[フレンド]から新年のよろこびを伝えにきたわ。

레벨 업

The beginning of a new year comes with many blessings.新たな年のはじまり…祝福を授けましょう。
Nothing brings me joy like seeing smiles on the faces of the children of Midgard.かわいい人間たちの笑顔を見ると私も喜ばしく思うわ。
Not everything can go to plan, even when one is a goddess.女神だからといってすべてがうまく行くわけじゃないのよ。


I shall use this strength to secure the future for all the adorable children of Midgard.この力は、かわいいものたちの未来のために使うわ。

5성 40레벨 달성

It is wonderful to watch the children of Midgard carry out their New Year's celebrations up close.
Everyone's faces aglow with dreams of a tomorrow even more lovely than today... It's sweet, really.
They may not have the power we gods command, but they are still able to create lives from these small joys.
Their earnestness is so endearing, I just love being in their presence...
What is it you dream of in your new year, [Summoner]?
I look forward to seeing your future unfold, step by step, day by day.





오의 발동

Happy wishes!おめでとう
To the new year!新しい年に…
Just for you.はい、お年玉
Oh, how fun.楽しいわ


Such a shame...あら…残念…


Happy New Year! Now is an appropriate time I hope.明けましておめでとう。新年の挨拶って、これでいいの?
*startle* I won't be tolerating any naughty children!きゃっ…!? もう、いたずらする子にはおしおきよ。
A sweet child of Midgard gave me this folded paper bird... I love it.この折り鶴は人の子にもらったのよ。かわいいでしょう?
How do I look in this kimono? Well... It's my pleasure to wear it.着物、似合うかしら? …そう? 嬉しい。
You mortals do get excited about a new year... Adorable.新しい年を喜ぶ人間たち…、なんてかわいいのかしら。
Each new year is blessed with the possibility of change.すべてが生まれ変わる新しい年に祝福を…
No matter how many years may pass, I will remain.今年もその次の年もずーっと、あなたの傍にいるからね。

아군 턴 터치

Oh, I see!そうするのね
It'll be all right.どうしたの?
Anything you want.可愛がってくるわ

캐릭터 페이지로