건국왕 니다벨리르/대사


I'm Niðavellir. Yes...my name is the same as my country's. Sorry for the confusion.僕の名前はニザヴェリル。ニザヴェリル王国の王様だよ。紛らわしくてごめんね。

We faced many hardships to gain independence. In spite of that, we'll keep fighting for freedom.みんなには苦労をかけたけど独立したことに後悔はない。きっといい国にしてみせるよ。
Niðavellir is a country in its infancy. There's so much more to do still.ニザヴェリル王国は生まれたばかりの国だ。まだまだやることが山積みだよ。
A leader exists for the sake of all, but they can also be resented. I know full well the burden of such a position.リーダーっていうのは、みんなのためにがんばってるのに恨まれたりもして辛い立場だよね。わかるよ。
We're about to test a new invention. Want to be part of the experiment? Come on, it'll be surefire fun!新しい発明品、今から実験するんだ。君、実験体になってみない?楽しいよ~。
It must've broken when I was moving around. Huh? Oh, it's the device Sindri gave me to communicate.
I bet I get an earful when I return...

친구 방문

I'd like to form a friendship, similar to the bond you share with [Friend].君は[フレンド]の友達なんだろう?僕とも仲良くしておくれよ。

레벨 업

Perhaps now you've seen a couple of my kingly qualities?少しは王様らしいところを見せられたかな?
About what one might expect, right?うん、こんなものかな。
I'm a little tired...ちょっと疲れちゃったなあ…


You want more from me? Oh geez... You can be a little scary sometimes.これ以上僕をこき使う気かい?恐いなあ…

5성 40레벨 달성

Truth be told, I may not be the best choice for a king, but I wasn't about to be ruled by the jötnar all my life.
So we rose up and combined our strengths, including the technical skills of some of my comrades.
And that's when we found an opportunity to stand up to the jötnar. Developing new weapons was—
It was how we ensured victory, even if part of that victory was instilling fear in the jötnar and their queen.
Now I've had enough fighting. All I want is peace for Niðavellir, for long into the future.





오의 발동

Won't you die?くたばってくれるかい?
If you could just...どいてほしいな
I won't let you interfere.邪魔はさせないよ
We are free!僕たちは自由だ!




I'm Niðavellir. I realize my name being the same as my country's can be confusing. Sorry about that.僕の名前はニザヴェリル。国と同じ名前で紛らわしいよねえ。
Whoa! Hey, I am a king, you know. A little respect would be nice.うわっ!? 一応王様なんだから、丁寧に扱ってほしいなあ…
I want to live a free life, not a life controlled by someone else. Don't you?他人に支配されて生きるなんてごめんだよ。君だってそうだろ?
Sindri is our best researcher, though a little rash at times.シンドリはうちで一番の科学者なんだ。ちょっとそそっかしいけどね。
I admit, our independence cost some lives... But I don't regret it for a second.犠牲は払ったけど、独立を果たしたことに後悔はないよ。
It'd be nice to have more time in this life.欲を言えばもう少し、長生きしたかったかな…
You're pretty interesting. Ha! I'm even tempted to take you back to Niðavellir with me.君って面白い人だねえ。ニザヴェリルに連れて帰りたいくらいだよ。

아군 턴 터치

I'm not so sure.どうかなあ…
Let's try!行ってみよう!

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