산의 은자 니이메/대사


I am Niime. Apparently, my research into elder magic has led some to call me the Mountain Hermit. Hmph.わたしはニイメという者じゃよ。山奥で古代の闇魔法を研究しておるせいか、山の隠者と呼ばれたりもするがの。

My grandson inherited much from his parents. A shame he also inherited his grandfather's idiocy.あのバカ孫が。バカなところだけ似ておる……あれはじいさんゆずりじゃな。
Dragons have always been the mortal enemy of humanity. Even if they appear human, they are anything but.竜というのはおそろしいモンさ。いにしえから今に至るまでの人の宿敵。人のかたちをした人ならざる生き物だあね。
There's no shortage of pretty young ladies around here. It takes me back to the days of my youth...このあたりには若い娘さん方が多いねぇ。昔のわたしを見るようだよ。
I was once quite the beauty, you know. Strapping young men would spend fortunes just to win my heart...
And then I'd dump them. Ha!
What right do people who can't even make their own family happy have to crow on and on about world peace?世界の安定だ、人々の平和だ……家族さえ幸せにできない者たちが言うことかねぇ……

친구 방문

I'm visiting on behalf of your friend [Friend].
Don't bother putting together a fancy welcome—a warm cup of tea will do. ...Well? Get to it!

레벨 업

My world has already survived one calamity. Everything I've studied was to make sure we never see a second.闇魔道に誰よりも深く分け入った理由…?『竜』にまつわる謎を解いてみたいのさ。『終末の冬』を二度と起こさぬためにもね…
Hah! Too bad for you, there's still some fight left in these old bones.ふん! 残念だけどわたしゃまだまだ死なないよ。
The darkness is not to be feared. When it calls, answer. Where it leads, follow. Deeper, ever deeper...入ってくるがいいさ。闇の奥の、その奥までね……


I look experienced enough to make use of this? Hmph. That had better be a compliment.まだ若いだって?そりゃイヤミかい。

5성 40레벨 달성

The spells I command are often derided as forbidden, dark magic due to their destructive potential.
My son Canas had a natural aptitude for it, but my grandson did not inherit the necessary fortitude of mind.
I had hoped he might be able to carry on my work, and my disappointment led me to being...harsh with him.
Elder magic is mighty, but it takes in equal measure from the one using it... A price too costly for my progeny.
In the end, my work will die with me. There are a few loose ends to tie up, but I trust you are up to the task.




How cruel...惨いことを…

오의 발동

Nothing I can't handle.大丈夫 大丈夫…
Heh, not bad.なかなかやるのう
You wish to die? Good.早死にしたいんだねぇ


I've had...my fun...楽しい人生…だったね…


I am Niime, though perhaps you'd know me better as the Mountain Hermit.わたしはニイメという者じゃよ。【山の隠者】と呼ばれたりもするがの。
Oh, were you trying to startle me? When you've seen as much as I have, little things like that stop surprising you.なんじゃ? この歳になると、そうそう驚くこともなくてな…
Dark magic is not something to take lightly. Used carelessly, its power could destroy the very world around us.闇魔法は並大抵のシロモノじゃないよ。世界を傾かせるかもしれない力だ。
That girl, Sophia... She reminds me of myself, back when I was young.あのソフィーヤって娘、若い頃のわたしそっくりだよ。
There is still so much I'd like to learn about dragons...わたしはもっと竜にまつわる謎を解いてみたい…
Perhaps our paths will cross again, in another time or world... Who can say?道はまたどこかで交わるかもしれない…誰にもわかりゃしないさ…
It seems I've grown rather fond of you. You should make use of my dark magic!あんた、気に入ったよ。わたしの闇魔法は役に立てると思うがね。

아군 턴 터치

Well, well…やれやれ…
No rest for the weary!よいしょっと

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