가학성향 제로/대사
I'm Niles from the Kingdom of Nohr. Former outlaw. Current disgrace. My arrows are yours. | 俺はゼロ。暗夜王国のシーフだ。今日からはイイことして愉しませてやるよ…俺のこの、太くて長い矢でな。 |
That weapon of yours has such a provocative shape. Does it feel good to fire it? I bet it does. | あんたの神器、見せてみろよ…へえ…なかなかそそるカタチをしてるな。ぶっ放したら、さぞ気持ちイイんだろ…? |
I serve Lord Leo. He rescued me from my former existence as a filthy thief. I'd give my life for him. | 俺はレオン様の臣下だ。あの方は薄汚い盗賊の俺を拾ってくれた…その恩に報いるためなら命など惜しくない。 |
If you run yourself ragged, you should be sure to take a nap. I'd be tickled to show you where. | そんなに息を切らしてどうした…?忙しくしてるあんたも色っぽいが、無防備に休む姿も俺に見せてみろ。 |
How about a midnight stroll at some point? I won't bite. I never do. At least, not by the light of the moon. | 夜、一緒にどこか出かけないか…?別にナニかしようってわけじゃない。俺に月の見える場所を教えて欲しいんだ… |
That prince you serve is a pretty bit of porcelain. But I think he'd look nicer with a few chips. | あんたの王子サマ、イイな。ああいう苦労を知らなそうな奴を見ると俺は、その顔を歪ませてやりたくなる… |
친구 방문
You must be [Summoner]. Someone must be awfully fond of you to send me all this way. And that... is [Friend]! | あんたが[召喚師]か?[フレンド]から挨拶だ。あんたへの熱いモノが溢れ出ちまってるな… |
레벨 업
My gain will be another's pain. | こんなになっちまって、もう手加減してやれないぜ…? |
I deserve better. | 俺にはまだ足りないな… |
How unfortunate. | イイことばかり起こるとは限らないさ。 |
Oh! You've taken some liberties with me. How nice. | ほら、見ろよ…俺をこんなにしたのはお前なんだぜ…? |
5성 40레벨 달성
Here you are. And here I am! Aren't we a pair. I must confess that I've grown after each of your visits—really and truly, I have! I must also say that when I first met you, Summoner, I thought you were a fussy bit of butter. I served you, but not happily. But now! Oh, what a difference! I long to always be with you. I wonder, have you only indulged your servant Niles? Or are we becoming friends now? I know some see me as unsavory. To them I say, variety is the spice of life! But, what say you? Eh? You trust me? How curious. Someone dear to me once said the very same thing. So, you and I will be friends through thick and thin. And, you know me... I always delight my friends. | へえ、今日も俺のトコロに来たのか。あんたが毎日可愛がってくれるから、こんなにギンギンに強くなっちまったぜ。 最初はお偉い召喚師サマなんてできるだけ関わりたくなかったのに、今じゃ傍にいないとどうにかなりそうだ。 全くあんたは随分な好きモノだな。俺みたいな英雄に近付いて、ナニかされるとは思わなかったのか? …俺を信じている?誰かさんと同じようなコトを言うんだな。その目を向けられたら、俺は逆らえない… イイぜ。ここでは俺は、あんたのモノだ。嫌だって言ってもずっと傍にいて…あんたを悦ばせてやるよ。 |
いくぞ | |
How's this? | どうだ? |
うああっ | |
な、にすんだ…! |
오의 발동
You can't hide from me! | 逃がさないぜ…? |
Take this, friend! | 受けてみろよ… |
Here's a taste! | イかせてやるよ… |
I hope you enjoy this! | 俺のが欲しいか…? |
Broken... | 壊れちまう…だろ… |
Ohhhh! | ふっ… |
Now, now. Be gentle. | 使うなら、優しくしてくれよ…? |
Yours until I break, master. | 壊れるまでは働いてやるよ、ご主人サマ |
A little advice: wear white, and you invite mudslinging. | その真っ白な服…穢したくなっちまうな |
So, I came out of that weapon of yours. Scandalous. | 俺はあんたの発射したモノから出てきたのか… |
Don't you just love to gaze at a full moon? | 月を見るのが好きだ。大きく輝く満月なら、尚更イイ… |
Where is Lord Leo? I'm sworn to protect him. | レオン様はどこだ? 俺はあの方のお傍にいないと… |
You and your prince are in quite a difficult position. I will be glad to assist. | まだ危なっかしいな…あんたも、あんたの王子サマも。俺がたっぷり、大人のヤり方を教え込んでやるよ。 |
아군 턴 터치
Really? | ああ |
Yes! | イイねえ |
Let's go. | イこうぜ… |
공격 - 신장
おらっ | |
イイだろ? |
피격 - 신장
うぐっ… | |
激しいな… |
오의 발동 - 신장
I'll fan your flames. | 燃やしてやるよ |
Boring. | たまんねぇな… |
I'm burning up. | 体がアツいぜ |
You've earned it. | コレが欲しいんだろ |
패배 - 신장
I burned too brightly. | アツく…なりすぎたな… |
상태창 - 신장
ふーん… | ふーん… |
I'm not sure what your game is, having me wear this outfit... But I'm delighted to play. | ゼロだ。俺にこんな衣装を着せて、ナニをするつもりだ…? |
Don't get yourself too riled up. These clothes are just on loan. | おい…いつもと違う俺に興奮しちまったのか? 焦るなよ… |
The people of Múspell can be pretty hot-blooded... But play your cards right, and they'll be wrapped around your little finger. | ムスペルの連中は血の気が多いな。ふふ…いろいろ愉しめそうだ。 |
Oh, relax. I may have a new set of threads, but I'm the same Niles you know and love. Don't make me prove it. | 安心しろ。格好が変わったって、あんたとヤることは変わらないぜ。 |
Ahh... There's nothing so sublime as watching someone's happiness turn to horror as flames consume all they hold dear... | 幸せな奴らが炎に焼かれ身悶える様は、さぞ見ものだろうな… |
Does Múspell's moon reflect the crimson of its flames? | ムスペルの月は…炎のように赤いんだろうか… |
Let us set our souls ablaze with the wild flames of passion. | 体が燃え上がるような愉しいコト、俺とシてみないか…? |
아군 턴 터치 - 신장
Not bad, huh? | 上手いじゃないか |
Hm, I don't know... | そうじゃねえな… |
Oh, I'll treat you right. | ヨくしてやるよ |