영원의 별의 여행자 닐스/대사


Hi! I'm Nils. Now I say "trick or treat," and you give me something nice, right? That's how this goes?ぼくはニルス!えいっ、トリックオアトリート!これでご褒美がもらえるって聞いたよ!

This world is amazing, Ninian. It's full of mystery and potential. You can really feel a sense of hope here.ニニアン……見ているのかい?ああ、ここは不思議な世界だね。たくさんの可能性が…希望が残されている。
Nothing quite like a festival, is there? Everyone's up so late celebrating, so it feels like the day will last forever.どんな時代でも、人はお祭りが好きだよね。熱気で空が燃えちゃいそうだよ。実際、夜も昼みたいに明るく照らしてさ……
You look like you could use a nap. Go catch some winks—I'll wake you when something interesting happens.もしかして寝不足じゃない?すこし横になっておいでよ。パレードが始まったら起こしてあげるから!
I've got to tell you, I'm having a great time. There's a spring in my step, [Summoner]. I can feel it!ぼくは、この時を楽しむつもりだよ。魂が弾む感じは、きらいじゃないからね。案内して、[召喚師]さん!
Have you seen that weird lady acting like she's queen of the ghosts or something? Wait, what? She's who?!あ、あの亡霊の女王のごとく振る舞っているヘンな……いや、あのお方は…!ええっ………まさか、ええっ……?

친구 방문

Happy harvest festival! Want to come join me for the parade over at [Friend]'s castle?ハッピーフェスティバル![フレンド]さんの城で収穫祭のパレードがはじまるよ~!

레벨 업

I knew it'd be fine. Now, let's get back to some festival fun!こうなることは見えていたからね。さあ、お祭りの続きを楽しもうよ!
Trick or treat! I'm coming for all the candy!トリックオアトリート!早くお菓子をくれないと~いたずらしちゃうぞ!
Ha! Haha... This is a joke, right?あははっ。何だろう、乾いた笑いが出るよ?


If this is your idea of a treat, I'm sure not complaining!トリックオアトリート!これもご褒美のひとつかな?素直にうれしいという気持ちだよ!

5성 40레벨 달성

Being a bard has taught me a lot. I've been to all sorts of places, and met all kinds of interesting people.
Some of those people were bad, but just as many were great. I've seen so much honesty, bravery, and kindness.
I like to show my appreciation for people with music, so I'm thinking of putting on a little concert here.
Commander Anna agrees that the festival's perfect for it, so she's going to get an audience together for me.
Maybe my flute music isn't as useful as what my sister can do, but I want to do something for my new friends.
That means you! So come to the castle courtyard with me and enjoy the tunes, OK? Let's go!





오의 발동

Trick or treat!トリックオアトリート!
Your candy or your life!お菓子をちょうだい!
Fear the frosting!いたずらしちゃうよ!
Icing on the cake!フィニッシュだよ!


I've been tricked…もっと…練習しなきゃ…


Let's find some treats!お菓子食べる?
Rouse your spirits!元気出して!
I'd say this choice of outfit is delicious!どう? この衣装。なんだか美味しそうだよね。
I'm pretty good with the flute. I bet I could liven things up with a tune or two!僕は笛が得意だから、演奏でお祭りを盛り上げてあげる。
I can't wait to go around the festival with Ninian. It's going to be so much fun!ニニアンも一緒にお祭りを回るんだ。楽しみだなあ。
I wonder if humans and dragons will ever celebrate together like this in my world...いつか僕らの世界でも、人と竜がこんなふうに楽しめるかな…
The candy you gave me is so pretty, it's almost a shame to eat it. Almost!あなたにもらったお菓子、もったいなくて食べられないよ。

아군 턴 터치

We ready?僕の番だね
What's next?えーっと次は…
This'll be fun.楽しもう!

캐릭터 페이지로