어둠에서 춤추는 그림자 에포닌/대사


Sorry to keep you waiting! Nina and Kagero are on the scene! With our skills, there's nothing we can't steal!お待たせ! 元義賊のエポニーヌと忍のカゲロウが参上よ!この二人に盗めないモノはないわ!

Kagero : Nina said master thieves must always leave a calling card, so I drew ours. It's quite good, if I may say so myself.
...Excuse me? It is clearly a cat.
カゲロウ : 怪盗の予告状をしたためていた。我ながら良い出来だ。いや、その絵は犬ではなく猫なのだが…
Nina : The thief escapes, with the guard hot on his heels. Then, a relationship blossoms between the two. Hehehe...エポニーヌ : 逃げる怪盗、それを追う衛兵。いつしか二人の間には男同士の奇妙な友情が…ふふっ。
Nina : I'm not really a thief anymore, but it's not like I regret those days. Even now, I'm certain I did the right thing.エポニーヌ : 義賊はもうやめちゃったけどあの行いは正しかったって今でも信じているわ。
Kagero : I expected thief's attire to differ quite a bit from that of a ninja's, but...are these always so gaudy?カゲロウ : 怪盗の装束というものは忍の装束と似て非なるものなのだな。いささか派手な気もするが…
Kagero : Nina demonstrates considerable insight on occasion. Perhaps that is from her time as a chivalrous thief.カゲロウ : エポニーヌが時折見せる鋭い眼光。義賊として生きてきた経験から来るものなのだろう。

친구 방문

Nina : I can't believe you found us hiding in the barrels! I guess that's a friend of [Friend]'s for you.エポニーヌ : 樽に隠れているあたしたちを見つけるなんて! さすが[フレンド]の親友ね。

레벨 업

Kagero : Victory is ours. Now for the treasure...カゲロウ : 勝負はついた。お宝は頂いていくぞ。
Nina : What, did you think I lost my edge when I gave up on being a thief? Think again!エポニーヌ : 昔とった杵柄ってやつ?元義賊を舐めないでよね!
Kagero : To think I would make such a blunder... My apologies.カゲロウ : くっ、かような失態を晒すとは…


Nina : Nice! I feel like I'm positively bursting with motivation!エポニーヌ : イイわね! やる気がギンギンにみなぎっちゃうわ…!

5성 40레벨 달성

Kagero : Nina, your lock-picking skills are quite impressive. Is there some trick to it?
Nina : Hmm... This might sound obvious, but it's important to think about what kind of key best fits the keyhole.
What shape is the key? What is it forged from? Copper? Brass? Steel?
What's the tensile strength of the material?
As the heroic keyhole waits to be unlocked, does it dream of a sturdy key? Hehehe...
Kagero : I can't say I understand any of that, but you clearly have a passion for locksmithing.
Nina : Not with me yet? I can't wait for the day when just seeing a key on a table is enough to get your heart racing!
カゲロウ : エポニーヌの鍵開けの技術は見事なものだな。鮮やかのひと言。なにかコツはあるのだろうか?
エポニーヌ : 鍵開けはね…この鍵穴はどんな鍵を欲しているのか考えながら開けることが大事なのよ。
鍵穴が恋焦がれているのはどんな形の鍵なのか?長さは? 色は? そして硬さは?
カゲロウ : よくはわからんが鍵と鍵穴に対する貴殿なりの情熱はしかと伝わったぞ。
エポニーヌ : あなたもいつか鍵と鍵穴を見るだけで妄想が止まらなくなるかもしれないわね。その日が来るのが楽しみよ…





오의 발동

Duo : Hand it over!二人 : お宝頂戴!
Duo : With style! And stealth.二人 : 華麗に 参上!
Nina : Watch your flanks!エポニーヌ : 脇が甘いわね
Kagero : All mine.カゲロウ : 頂いていくぞ


What a letdown...いいトコ…だったのに…


• Thief and guard... A forbidden romance...
• What are you mumbling about?

아군 턴 터치

Super sneaky.忍んでイくわよ
Stay calm.慎重に…

공격시 후위 서포트

Don't get caught.捕まるなよ

비익/쌍계 스킬

• We can steal...
• Anything!
• Focus on the task.
• Look at those two!

비익/쌍계 대화

Nina : So, looks like we'll be doing a bit of thievery! Don't worry, this is old hat for me. I'll show you how it's done.エポニーヌ : ふふっ、怪盗だなんて、元義賊の腕が鳴るわ!格の違いを見せてやるんだから。
Kagero : My expertise is more in espionage than theft. I will gratefully take your instruction.カゲロウ : それは頼もしいな。私とて隠密の心得はあるが…盗みに特化したものではない。
Demonstrate your secrets. I am eager to learn!ぜひ怪盗の極意を教わりたいものだ。
Nina : Really?! Ooo, how exciting! With my help, you'll be a master in no time. Trust me.エポニーヌ : そ、そう…? 任せて!一流の怪盗にしてあげちゃうわ!
First things first: observe your target closely. Evaluate security. Determine any possible weak points.まず対象をよく観察するの。忍び込む隙はないか、警備はどれほどのものか。
Kagero : Understood.カゲロウ : ふむ…なるほど。
Nina : Let's say we're looking at Askr's treasury, right? There are these two guards who have regular duty there.エポニーヌ : 例えばアスク王国の宝物庫には、いつも二人衛兵がついてるわ。
There's a tall skinny one with dark hair, and a shorter one who's ginger.面子はいつも同じ。すらっとした黒髪と、少し背の低い赤毛よ。
The ginger's the superior officer—you can tell by the way the dark-haired one talks. But that's not all I realized.黒髪は赤毛より後輩らしくて敬語なの。でもあたしは観察し続ける間に気づいたの…
Kagero : Mmm. You've got my attention. What else?カゲロウ : な、何にだ?
Nina : The more they work together, how they speak gets less formal... Ooo, they're getting closer by the day, I know it!エポニーヌ : 黒髪が赤毛に敬語じゃなくなったのよ!これは二人の距離が縮んだってこと!!
It's only a matter of time until they're sharing secrets. Confiding deep, dark vulnerabilities. Holding hands!そして、やがて二人は……、うふっ、うふふふっ……
Kagero : W-wait a moment. What does this have to do with thievery?カゲロウ : …すまぬ。それは盗みと何の関係が?
Nina : All they need is a dash of danger— some action to make them realize how much they mean to each other!エポニーヌ : はあ…いいわ。厳しい任務を共にし、近づいてゆく二人……
And who's gonna give them that? We are. We're the matchmakers.はっ! あたしたちは彼らにその試練を与える、いわばキューピッド…!?
We'll snatch the shinies from the treasury and lead them on a merry chase. Come on, let's do this!二人のためにも、見事にお宝を盗んであげなくっちゃ…!やるわよー!
Kagero : You left me behind a while ago. However, your enthusiasm is admirable!カゲロウ : あ、ああ…? よくわからないが、そのやる気は見習うことにしよう。

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