빙룡의 무녀 니니안/대사


I am Ninian. I have a vision of a better world—one in which humans and dragons prosper together in harmony.わたしはニニアンと申します。人と竜が共に生きる世界……そんな新しい時代の夢を見ています。

Elibe was once home to dragons, but we have long since abandoned it. It is now claimed by humankind.エレブの大地。そこは人々が生きる世界。竜が捨て、去りし故郷……
We knew that it was forbidden, and yet we answered Nergal's call and opened the gate...to see home again.わたしたちがいけなかったのです……ネルガルの誘いに乗り、門を開いてしまった。一目、エレブの大地を見たかったばかりに。
Stay strong. No matter what happens, trust yourself to overcome. That is how I made it through hard times.心を強くお持ちください。どのような苦難も、きっと乗り越えられる。わたしはそれを、知っています。
My power may be diminished, and I may age and die as humans do, but I have no regrets. In fact, I'm happy.いまのわたしに、本来の力はありません。人と同じく老い、死にゆくことでしょう。ですが、それでわたしは幸せなのです……
If we can realize Lord Athos's vision of utopia here, then perhaps humans and dragons can finally live in peace.アトス様の説かれた【理想郷】の心を、この世界でも育んでもらえればと思います。人と竜、お互いのために……

친구 방문

Oh—please, pay me no mind. I don't think I'm really all that good at talking to people...あ……………すみません…人との付き合いはまだ不得手なものですから……

레벨 업

A saving light shall rise...救いの光を……
Forgive me...……ごめんなさい。
This world will once again be enveloped by darkness...この世界もまた、同じ……いずれ闇に包まれる……


Thank you for your kindness.よくしていただいて……ありがとうございます。

5성 40레벨 달성

A question, if I may. Have you ever heard of Lord Athos, the Archsage of Elibe, [Summoner]?
He believed that humans and dragons would one day live together in harmony and understanding.
His vision was called Arcadia. For a long time, a utopia like that seemed like it might be forever out of reach.
But I have seen the seeds of such a paradise planted, in Elibe and in Askr. It pleases me to watch them grow.
Perhaps it will take centuries. Maybe you and I will have long been scattered to the winds by then.
Nils will still be here, though. And I'd like my brother to see a world where both humans and dragons are happy.





오의 발동

My true power...本当の力を…
For humans and dragons!人と竜のため
Your gaze is harsh!見ないでください
This cannot go on!もう、だめ…


I can stand no longer.…すみま…せん…


Take this strength.あなたに力を…
I'll watch over you.見てください…
My name is Ninian. I'm a type of being known as a dragon... Have you met many of us?私はニニアン。竜と呼ばれる存在です。
My wish is that our world will one day become a place where humans and dragons can live together. A true utopia...わたしたちの世界が、人と竜が共に暮らせる、理想郷となるように…
Oh, hello! I was just practicing, but if you need something, I'd be glad to help.きゃっ。…あの、どうされましたか…?
Even if my lifespan is that of a human's... Well, I'm all right with that.たとえ長くは生きられなくても…いいのです。
I'll support you in battle. All I ask in return is that you allow me to stay by your side.どうかお願いです…わたしも、あなたのお側に…

아군 턴 터치

What's your plan?わかりました
Show me what to do.教えてください
I'm with you.皆様と共に…

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